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2024 Website Upgrade User Issues/Problems

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Issues/Problem Spreadsheet


How requests that sent to PleasePost@stpaulscary.org are handled.

The requests are handled on rotating basis by the St. Paul’s web editors. The rotation order is:

Delahaye, Olivia
Fransen, Tom

When a request comes in who’s ever turn that is next, handles the requested post, and lets other editors now the request is being handle. If an editor is on vacation or is not able to work on postings, they let the rest of editor know so we can be sure everything is covered.

Postings Checklist

  • Title – 1st Letter is Capitalize, rest lowercase
  • Only use “Stick this post to the front page” for posts that are an event have a deadline sometime out in the future maybe 2 more weeks.
    • If you use stick be sure to set a reminder for yourself to remove it after it is no longer needed. 
    • Another approach if you need an older posting to be at the top of list, just change the publish date to today.
  • Author – who posted, not requested
  • Select Category(s)
  • Use a Feature Image
  • Excerpt – 2 to 3 sentences maximum, do not leave blank.
  • Check to be sure posting include:
    • A date
    • Links that work
    • Check spellings
  • If you embed a link to another page be sure to the check: “Open link in a new tab”.
  • Do NOT check Allow comments – Facebook is for comments.
  • For more help see Tad’s Video – https://www.screencast.com/t/1NYLjdGzaA2g
  • If you want to test or try something new you can try it first add – https://stpaulscary.org/

Summary of the websites useage – https://datastudio.google.com/reporting/f67c204c-37af-4044-b809-f348c0dba694

New 2022 Logo related files – 2022 Logo

List of all Pages and time since last edit
NameIDParent PageURLQR CodeAuthorDate CreatedLast Date EditedLast EditorAge (in weeks)
33221-https://stpaulscary.org/QR CodeTad RichardOctober 27, 2023November 2, 2023Tad Richard67
2025 Annual Campaign: Celebrations and New Beginnings652Stewardship: Why We Givehttps://stpaulscary.org/stewardship/annual-campaign-2/QR CodeTad RichardAugust 10, 2015October 3, 2024Mary Kintz19
3 Panel Example33555Website Helphttps://stpaulscary.org/resources/website-help/3-panel-example/QR CodeTom FransenOctober 28, 2023October 28, 2023Tom Fransen68
Adult Formation37189-https://stpaulscary.org/adult-formation/QR CodeMary KintzFebruary 2, 2025February 14, 2025Javier Almendárez-Bautista0
Adult Ministries34048Our Ministrieshttps://stpaulscary.org/ministries/adult-ministries/QR CodeTad RichardNovember 2, 2023February 6, 2025Javier Almendárez-Bautista1
Altar Guild36866Music and Lay Ministrieshttps://stpaulscary.org/worship/music/altar-guild/QR CodeMary KintzDecember 1, 2024December 1, 2024Mary Kintz11
Altar Guild Instructions33777Music and Lay Ministrieshttps://stpaulscary.org/worship/music/altar-guild-instructions/QR CodeJavier Almendárez-BautistaOctober 31, 2023October 31, 2023Javier Almendárez-Bautista68
Announcements34524-https://stpaulscary.org/announcements/QR CodeTad RichardFebruary 14, 2025February 14, 2025John Hemperly0
Appalachia Service Project2406Youth Ministrieshttps://stpaulscary.org/ministries/youth/appalachia-service-project/QR CodeGordon WernerOctober 5, 2015November 26, 2024Mary Kintz12
Baptism193Sunday Serviceshttps://stpaulscary.org/worship/baptism/QR CodeTom FransenJuly 25, 2015January 21, 2025Javier Almendárez-Bautista4
Burial & Memorial Garden211Sunday Serviceshttps://stpaulscary.org/worship/burial/QR CodeTad RichardJuly 25, 2015April 15, 2024Tad Richard44
Children’s Ministries228Our Ministrieshttps://stpaulscary.org/ministries/childrens-ministries/QR CodeTad RichardJuly 25, 2015January 28, 2025Mary Kintz3
Christmas Pageant36433Children’s Ministrieshttps://stpaulscary.org/ministries/childrens-ministries/christmas-pageant/QR CodeMary KintzSeptember 26, 2024September 26, 2024Mary Kintz20
Church Calendar33077-https://stpaulscary.org/church-calendar/QR CodeTad RichardSeptember 29, 2023November 5, 2023Tad Richard67
Clergy Transition36581-https://stpaulscary.org/clergy-transition/QR CodeJavier Almendárez-BautistaOctober 14, 2024November 13, 2024Mary Kintz14
Communications2534Newshttps://stpaulscary.org/news/communications/QR CodeTad RichardOctober 8, 2015November 3, 2023Tad Richard67
Confirmation207Sunday Serviceshttps://stpaulscary.org/worship/confirmation/QR CodeTad RichardJuly 25, 2015January 8, 2025Mary Kintz6
Donate to St. Paul’s654Stewardship: Why We Givehttps://stpaulscary.org/stewardship/donate-to-st-pauls/QR CodeTad RichardAugust 10, 2015January 29, 2025Mary Kintz3
Donating Non-monetary Items32564Donate to St. Paul’shttps://stpaulscary.org/stewardship/donate-to-st-pauls/donating-non-monetary-items/QR CodeMary KintzJuly 15, 2023November 3, 2023Mary Kintz67
Endowment657Stewardship: Why We Givehttps://stpaulscary.org/stewardship/endowment/QR CodeTad RichardAugust 10, 2015September 11, 2024Mary Kintz23
Kids’ Club232Sunday Serviceshttps://stpaulscary.org/worship/kids-club/QR CodeTad RichardJuly 25, 2015February 13, 2025Mary Kintz0
Lay Worship Ministries191Music and Lay Ministrieshttps://stpaulscary.org/worship/music/lay-volunteers/QR CodeTad RichardJuly 25, 2015January 25, 2024Mary Kintz55
Lobster Fest Pre-Order15354Lobster Fest!https://stpaulscary.org/lobsterfest/store/QR CodeTad RichardAugust 26, 2018August 23, 2024Tad Richard25
Lobster Fest Volunteers36099Lobster Fest!https://stpaulscary.org/lobsterfest/lobster-fest-volunteers/QR CodeTad RichardAugust 11, 2024September 17, 2024Mary Kintz22
Lobster Fest!818-https://stpaulscary.org/lobsterfest/QR CodeTad RichardAugust 13, 2015October 3, 2024Tad Richard19
Make Your Pledge Today1502025 Annual Campaign: Celebrations and New Beginningshttps://stpaulscary.org/stewardship/annual-campaign-2/pledge-form/QR CodeTad RichardJuly 24, 2015December 30, 2024Mary Kintz7
Marriage1768Sunday Serviceshttps://stpaulscary.org/worship/marriage/QR CodeTad RichardSeptember 9, 2015November 2, 2023Tad Richard67
Membership130-https://stpaulscary.org/membership/QR CodeTad RichardJuly 24, 2015January 27, 2025Mary Kintz3
Memorial Garden Archives5264Burial & Memorial Gardenhttps://stpaulscary.org/worship/burial/memorial-garden-archives/QR CodeGordon WernerJanuary 20, 2016December 17, 2024Mary Kintz9
Men’s Beach Week35237Adult Ministrieshttps://stpaulscary.org/ministries/adult-ministries/mens-beach-week/QR CodeMary KintzFebruary 15, 2024February 15, 2024Mary Kintz52
Ministry Leader Resources34-https://stpaulscary.org/resources/QR CodeTad RichardJuly 22, 2015January 22, 2025Mary Kintz4
Ministry Leader Resources424Ministry Leader Resourceshttps://stpaulscary.org/resources/ministry-resources/QR CodeTad RichardAugust 8, 2015December 31, 2024Mary Kintz7
Mission & Vision66Vestryhttps://stpaulscary.org/about/vestry/mission-vision/QR CodeTad RichardJuly 22, 2015November 3, 2023Tom Fransen67
Music and Lay Ministries187Sunday Serviceshttps://stpaulscary.org/worship/music/QR CodeTad RichardJuly 25, 2015December 1, 2024Mary Kintz11
News32-https://stpaulscary.org/news/QR CodeTad RichardJuly 22, 2015November 3, 2023Tom Fransen67
Old New Comparison33285Website Helphttps://stpaulscary.org/resources/website-help/comparison/QR CodeTad RichardOctober 18, 2023October 18, 2023Unknown70
ONE Wake at St. Paul’s32891Outreach Ministrieshttps://stpaulscary.org/ministries/outreach/one-wake-at-st-pauls/QR CodeMary KintzAugust 26, 2023February 15, 2024Mary Kintz52
Online Offerings33490Sunday Serviceshttps://stpaulscary.org/worship/online-offerings/QR CodeTad RichardOctober 27, 2023April 15, 2024Javier Almendárez-Bautista44
Our Ministries28-https://stpaulscary.org/ministries/QR CodeTad RichardJuly 22, 2015February 3, 2025Mary Kintz2
Outreach Ministries237Our Ministrieshttps://stpaulscary.org/ministries/outreach/QR CodeTom FransenJuly 25, 2015January 29, 2025Mary Kintz3
Pastoral Care458Our Ministrieshttps://stpaulscary.org/ministries/pastoral-care/QR CodeTad RichardAugust 8, 2015June 25, 2024Tad Richard34
Policies & Forms422Ministry Leader Resourceshttps://stpaulscary.org/resources/ministry-resources/policies-forms/QR CodeTad RichardAugust 8, 2015September 17, 2024Mary Kintz22
Prayers of the People34494-https://stpaulscary.org/prayers-of-the-people/QR CodeTad RichardFebruary 14, 2025February 14, 2025John Hemperly0
Refuge for Refugees Ministry32709Our Ministrieshttps://stpaulscary.org/ministries/refuge-for-refugees-ministry/QR CodeMary KintzJuly 28, 2023February 13, 2025Mary Kintz0
Resilience Ministry20950Our Ministrieshttps://stpaulscary.org/ministries/resilience/QR CodeGordon WernerSeptember 19, 2019November 2, 2023Tom Fransen67
Room Reservations766Ministry Leader Resourceshttps://stpaulscary.org/resources/ministry-resources/room-reservations/QR CodeTad RichardAugust 11, 2015April 19, 2024Mary Kintz43
SignUp Central32505Ministry Leader Resourceshttps://stpaulscary.org/resources/ministry-resources/signup-central/QR CodeMary KintzOctober 31, 2023December 31, 2024Mary Kintz7
Site Development – staging.stpaulscary.org33286Website Helphttps://stpaulscary.org/resources/website-help/site-development/QR CodeTad RichardOctober 19, 2023October 19, 2023Unknown69
Site Development – www.stpaulscary.org33151Website Helphttps://stpaulscary.org/resources/website-help/site-development-www-stpaulscary-org/QR CodeTom FransenOctober 19, 2023November 2, 2023Tad Richard67
Site Map173Website Helphttps://stpaulscary.org/resources/website-help/site-map/QR CodeTad RichardJuly 24, 2015November 4, 2023Tom Fransen67
Social Justice Resources34481Ministry Leader Resourceshttps://stpaulscary.org/resources/social-justice-resources/QR CodeTad RichardNovember 7, 2023November 7, 2023Tad Richard67
St. Nicholas Ministry36142Outreach Ministrieshttps://stpaulscary.org/ministries/outreach/st-nicholas-ministry/QR CodeMary KintzAugust 6, 2024December 2, 2024Mary Kintz11
St. Paul’s Preschool281-https://stpaulscary.org/preschool/QR CodeTad RichardJuly 28, 2015January 13, 2025Mary Kintz5
St. Paul’s Tools33787Website Helphttps://stpaulscary.org/resources/website-help/st-pauls-tools/QR CodeTom FransenOctober 31, 2023October 31, 2023Tom Fransen68
Stewardship: Why We Give222-https://stpaulscary.org/stewardship/QR CodeTad RichardJuly 25, 2015January 31, 2024Javier Almendárez-Bautista55
Sunday Bulletin31744Sunday Serviceshttps://stpaulscary.org/worship/sunday-bulletin-archive/QR CodeTom FransenFebruary 17, 2023November 3, 2023Tom Fransen67
Sunday Services26-https://stpaulscary.org/worship/QR CodeTad RichardJuly 22, 2015November 30, 2024Mary Kintz11
Tad Sandbox676-https://stpaulscary.org/tad-sandbox/QR CodeTad RichardAugust 10, 2015March 26, 2024Tad Richard47
Thank You364262025 Annual Campaign: Celebrations and New Beginningshttps://stpaulscary.org/stewardship/annual-campaign-2/thank-you-for-your-financial-gifts/QR CodeMary KintzSeptember 23, 2024September 23, 2024Mary Kintz21
Upcoming Events33919-https://stpaulscary.org/events-2/QR CodeTad RichardNovember 1, 2023November 7, 2023Tad Richard67
Vacation Bible Camp35317Children’s Ministrieshttps://stpaulscary.org/ministries/childrens-ministries/vacation-bible-camp/QR CodeMary KintzMarch 11, 2024January 31, 2025Mary Kintz2
Vestry7121Who We Arehttps://stpaulscary.org/about/vestry/QR CodeTom FransenMay 18, 2016February 14, 2025Javier Almendárez-Bautista0
Protected: Vestry Page Sandbox36069-https://stpaulscary.org/vestry-page-sandbox/QR CodeTad RichardJuly 24, 2024July 27, 2024Mary Kintz29
Video Test33284Website Helphttps://stpaulscary.org/resources/website-help/video-test/QR CodeTad RichardOctober 22, 2023October 22, 2023Unknown69
Website Help27302Ministry Leader Resourceshttps://stpaulscary.org/resources/website-help/QR CodeTom FransenMay 25, 2021November 4, 2023Tom Fransen67
Who We Are29629-https://stpaulscary.org/about/QR CodeTom FransenMarch 9, 2022January 26, 2025Mary Kintz3
Women’s Beach Week35282Adult Ministrieshttps://stpaulscary.org/ministries/adult-ministries/womens-beach-week/QR CodeMary KintzFebruary 17, 2024February 5, 2025Mary Kintz2
Youth Ministries235Our Ministrieshttps://stpaulscary.org/ministries/youth/QR CodeTad RichardJuly 25, 2015October 21, 2024Mary Kintz17

List of all Menus and which Pages are included.

Menu Name Menu Pages
Top-Menu Who We Are, Who We Are, Vestry, St. Paul’s Preschool, Membership, Sunday Services, Sunday Services, Music and Lay Ministries, Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage, Burial & Memorial Garden, Online Offerings, Our Ministries, Our Ministries, Children’s Ministries, Youth Ministries, Adult Ministries, Adult Formation, Outreach Ministries, Pastoral Care, St. Paul’s Preschool, St. Paul’s Preschool, Stewardship: Why We Give, Stewardship: Why We Give, Donate to St. Paul’s, 2025 Annual Campaign: Celebrations and New Beginnings, Endowment, Ministry Leader Resources, Ministry Leader Resources, Social Justice Resources, Clergy Transition
Control How a Page is Displayed and Printed

2 CSS’s and shortcodes have been added to provide the option of only displaying text on the screen or when a page is printed. For example, when viewing a page the user only see the link to another page. However, when the page is printed the link now becomes a QR code.

To use the CSS change to editor from Visual to Text mode. Add a class statement. Either class=”screen_only” or class=”print_only”

To make editing easier to check and for editors not comfortable using the Text mode, there are 2 new shortcodes.

  • (print_only]This content will only be displayed when the page is printed[/print_only]
  • (screen_only]This content will only be displayed on the screen[/screen_only

You can combine the shortcodes with QR code. For example see the post

https://stpaulscary.org/adults/wbw/womens-beach-week-wbw-2023/ .

(screen_only] text with link[/screen_only]

(print_only] Or us this QR code: (su_qrcode   …………..][/print_only]

In the above examples to use change the ( to [.

QR Codes

Publications are starting to include QR codes to make it easier to for people to use cell phones to go directly to specific web pages. We’re starting to get requests for including QR codes in posts and pages.

The QR code is easy to add. Click on the Insert shortcode. Then select QR code and fill out the form to generate the shortcode.

For example, the shortcode for WBW on-line registration – su_qrcode data=”https://bit.ly/StPaulsWBW” title=”On-Line Registration Form” size=”140″ margin=”10″ align=”right” link=”https://bit.ly/StPaulsWBW”

Depending the purpose of the post/page it would be redundant to have a link and a QR code. Link is better for people viewing the post/page and the QR code is better for someone who prints it. Suggestion include the QR code but it only shows up on a printout.

To add this function use the edit in Visual mode to create the post/page including the QR code as you normally do.  Then switch to the Text mode and add class print-only. Using the above WBW example, you can add the QR code to list with the following modification: <li class=“print-only”>Or use this QR code:On-Line Registration Form</li>

The class print-only can be be used for any text/image that only needs to be seen when a post/page is printed.

Post - Homily

Step-by-Step for Homily Posts

  • Go to Sermons > Add New
  • Choose Audio > Upload the Homily
    • Typically rename the file as [Name]_homily_[Date].mp3. For example, George_homily_08.29.2021.mp3
  • Custom Sidebar should be set to “Homilies sidebar.”
  • In Sermon settings on right-hand side, select the following:
    • Series = Homilies
    • Speakers = Name of the speaker
    • Featured Image = Profile picture of the speaker
    • Excerpt = This is the description that will show up on the preview and on the podcast episode.
  • Nothing else needs to be checked. The podcast checkbox does not need to be selected.

Other notes

  • Typically, nothing is added to the main content except the post/homily title.
    • Tom has been sending out on Saturday a reminder to the homilist to provide a title and excerpt. If the homilist does not provide a title for their homilies, you can do that.
  • If the homily is posted during the week, set the “Publish” date to the Sunday on which the homily was delivered.
  • The podcast will automatically update. No additional action is needed to publish the podcast episode.
  • If the homily is not showing up on the main page, it’s probably because the “Series > Homilies” checkbox hasn’t been selected.
  • There is trigger set up in IFTTT that emails to pleasepost@… when the homily is added to the Dropbox account.
Rector's Weekly Video
  1. Get the URL for the video from Fill Bowen or from the St. Paul’s Facebook link at the bottom of the home page. (A typical URL might be https://www.facebook.com/109373515817398/videos/127771496008115 from Fill or a shorter version from Facebook. Both should work.)
  2. In WordPress, visit the St. Paul’s home page and find the post on Fr. George’s Weekly Video. (https://stpaulscary.org/church-business/fr-georges-weekly-video/)
  3. Edit the post. Update the post with the new link and new date and update the post date. Stick it to the top of the blog and update.
Hope for the Journey

Step-by-Step for Hope for the Journey Posts

  1. Use title provided by person sending post, not “Hope for the Journey”
  2. Copy and paste post
  3. Click “Stick to the top of the blog”
  4. Mark “Church Business” and “Hope for the Journey” categories
    1. “Church Business” ensures it goes up on St. Paul’s Connects page
  5. Tag “From the Clergy” and “Hope for the Journey”
  1. Begin excerpt with “In this week’s <b>Hope for the Journey</b>, Father/Mother XXXXX reflects on…”
    1. Point out the topic or add a line that stood out or use the first sentence or two.
  2. Sign off “—Father George”, “—Father Javier”, or “—Mother Alice” and increase font size on this block to “Medium”
    1. We decided to use titles for the benefit of the occasional visitor
    2. George and Javier have signature blocks available in Media Library (Javier_sig; GeorgeSig) that we sometimes use to personalize the posts a bit (see below)
Inline Image
  • Place curser in text at the location to insert inline graphic.
  • From the block editor select inline image.
  • Select or upload the image to insert.
  • After the image is inserted you can click on the image to resize the width.
MailChimp Newsletter

Posting MailChimp Newsletters

Currently several newsletter use MailChimp. For example, Children’s Ministry, Weekly Letter from the Rector, and Stewardship 2023.

We have 2 approaches for posting the newsletters:

  1. Open the Newsletter in a New Tab – Create a post like you normal do that contains the link to the newsletter. Be sure to have the link open in a new tab.
  2. Embed the Newsletter in the Post – To embed the newsletter in a post requires a like more work but the users does not need to open additional browser tabs.
    • Create an Excerpt and pick Categories like you would for a normal post. I do not use a Feature Image, because the image shows up above the newsletter.
    • To embed the newsletter switch the editor view from Visual to Text.
    • Post the following into the editor:
      • <iframe title=” Add Title ” src=” Newsletter Url before? ?e=[UNIQID]” width=”600″ height=”1200″ allowfullscreen=”allowfullscreen”><span data-mce-type=”bookmark” style=”display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;” class=”mce_SELRES_start”></span> </iframe>
        • Add Title – In the above text replace Add Title with the newsletter title.
        • Newsletter Url before? – In the above text replace Newsletter Url before? with a copy and paste of the url before the ?.
    • You can now publish the post.
    • Notes. You can adjust the iframe width and height to get the newsletter to look good in the posting. The MailChimp template is 600 pixel wide, so I start with a width=600.
Home Page Buttons

How to modify the url’s for the 3 buttons on the Homepage slider.

The buttons are on the individual slides that are in that slider.  Because the buttons don’t change from slide-to-slide, it appears as if they are an overlay on the whole slide show, but they are not.  Therefore, you’ll need to update all the slides that have that button individually.

Here is a video Tad put together to show how to modify the url:

Home Right Side Menu

To change right side menu – go to widgets under appearance


Cl IL 2021 
Cl T [J 3&TC1 
St. Paul's Episcopal Church 0 16 0 
Work Group 
St. Pauls Mom 
Brock e AT&T Portal 
+ New •jQuery Migrate (Previously known: 12 Discovered on this page: 6) 
att. net 
(I) Verizon Messages 
Other bookmarks 
Howdy, Tom Fransen 
Install Plugins 
Theme Editor 
Hopes Child 
Simple Banner 
Smart Slider 
Limit Login 
enabled by the user. 
This means you should still check that things work as expected after you have disabled the plugin, and you know there have been warnings in the admin pages, you may still need to reach out to 
the authors of the affected plugin or theme. 
Available Widgets 
To activate a widget drag it to a sidebar or click on it. To deactivate a widget 
and delete its settings, drag it back. 
Akismet Widget 
Display the number of spam com- 
ments Akismet has caught 
Displays an audio player. 
A calendar of your site's posts. 
CT Archives 
Monthly archive for chosen post 
CT Locations 
Shows church location(s) 
CT Sermons 
Shows sermons according to 
A monthly archive of your site's 
A widget containing a block. 
A list or dropdown of categories. 
CT Categories 
Shows categories of various types 
CT People 
Shows people according to options 
custom HTML 
Arbitrary HTML code. 
Main Sidebar 
Text: 2022 Stewardship 
Image: Direct Donation 
Search: Search Site 
CT Sermons: Recent Homilies 
Footer Columnl 
Footer Column2 
Footer Column3 
About Subtopics 
News Sidebar 
Ministries Sidebar 
Preschool Sidebar 
Resources Sidebar 
Stewardship Sidebar 
Homilies Sidebar 
My Ministry Sidebar 
Custom Widget Area - #1


Page vs. Post
  • Pages – Ministry Pages
    • The ministry pages are for the basic information about what the ministry does and contact information. 
    • We do not expect to have to change the ministry pages very often.
    • Ministry leaders should review their pages periodically.
  • Posts – News Items
    • Perishable time limited information, such as awarding of grants, is temporary and we use posts for that kind of news