Worshipping. Serving. Growing in faith together.
Located in the heart of Cary since 1958, St. Paul’s was once known as “the little church in the woods.” Today, it is anything but: located in Wake County and in close proximity to major universities and Research Triangle Park, St. Paul’s is a spiritual home for locals and transplants alike. We strive to be a community where all are welcome. Our differences make us stronger.
We believe in a loving, life-giving, liberating God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We are a Christian community rooted in Scripture, enlivened by the Spirit, and guided by tradition and reason. St. Paul’s is a parish within the Diocese of North Carolina and a member of The Episcopal Church, a denomination which is itself a part of the worldwide Anglican Communion.
Learn more about The Episcopal Church and our core beliefs here.
Learn about becoming a member here.
If you have any questions about St. Paul’s, please feel free to contact the church office 919-467-1477 or at stpauls@stpaulscary.org. We invite you to explore more about our community on this website, or by visiting us in person. Do feel free to reach out to the clergy and staff as well: we would love to connect with you!