Worship. Serve. Grow.

What’s Happening?

Online Sunday Worship

The Holy Eucharist is livestreamed on St. Paul’s Facebook page at 9 a.m. on Sundays. A Facebook account is not required. 

Alcoholics Anonymous

This is a closed meeting. Please see event description for more information.

Prayer Stitchers

St. Paul’s Prayer Stitchers gather to knit together in the Youth Wing every Wednesday.

Postcard Writing Drop-In Session

The response to the diocesan invitation to write postcards to state legislators has generated much interest, so we are hosting a postcard-writing event!

Vestry Budget Process Update

Join St. Paul’s vestry for an informational session and update on budget planning for 2025.

Episcopal Youth Community (EYC) Ice Skating

Join us for a special Ice Skating event at the Cary Ice House with Pre-EYC (4th and 5th graders)! Contact Youth Coordinator Ben Bricio for more information.  

Latest News

The Rector Search Process, Step-by-Step

Dear Friends,   I’d like to use this week’s letter to give you an update on the search for St. Paul’s next rector. Read a letter from Sr. Warden, Dan Loughlin

An Update from our Refuge for Refugees Ministry

As you may already be aware, an executive order has suspended all refugee admissions to the United States. Read this update to learn how our Refuge for Refugees Ministry is continuing to support those directly affected…

Recent Homilies