Worship. Serve. Grow.

Financial Gifts

Thank you for your interest in contributing to St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. The “Donate” button above is the simplest path for virtual giving; this is how we accept online donations via PayPal. Charitable donations are tax deductible and receipts will be mailed to all donors.

Cash and check donations can be mailed or delivered to the church office (221 Union Street, Cary, NC 27511).

Bank draft donations are also an option for recurring payments such as your pledge. You can pay by automatic deduction from your bank account each month through Electronic Funds Transfer. Contact financial@stpaulscary.org for an Automatic Contribution Draft Pre-Authorization Form.

Designated Funds

The default setting for online gifts notes “Virtual Giving Plate,” which directs funds to our general operating budget, supporting the mission and ministries of St. Paul’s. If you would like to route donations to other funds, these are explained below. Please be sure to use the notes/comments section to specify your wishes, or use the memo line if paying by check.

Pledge Payments

Pledge Payments: Donations will be applied to your annual pledge.

Operating Budget

Operating Budget: Donations will help pay St. Paul’s expenses, including Clergy and staff salaries, heating and air conditioning, mortgage payments, and ministry budgets; note that a large portion of the operating budget funds outreach, including our proportional contribution to the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina.

Seasonal Offerings

Seasonal Offerings: During Advent and Lent, as well as on Christmas and Easter, the vestry welcomes additional support for designated missions and areas of need. Please indicate “Advent Offering” (or Lent, Christmas, Easter, etc.) on your donation.

Clergy Discretionary Funds

Clergy Discretionary Funds: Our clergy each have funds that can be called upon to address needs in the community, especially those who find their way to St. Paul’s seeking funds for food and emergency housing. 

Capital Fund

Capital Fund: A special fund used for expenses related to the maintenance, upgrade, and debt reduction associated with our facility.

Heifer International

Every Sunday morning during worship services, St. Paul’s parishioners are invited to donate to Heifer International by placing money in a small ark in remembrance of important times, events, and people in their lives. Heifer International is a non-profit organization whose mission is to work with communities to end hunger and poverty and to care for the earth. 

St. Paul’s annual goal is to donate at least $5000, which purchases a “Gift Ark” comprised of many pairs of animals. Heifer International sends the animals wherever they are most needed in the world to fight hunger and poverty.

Help St. Paul’s reach our goal by giving online through the Virtual Living Gift Market.

Outreach Ministries

Outreach Ministry sponsored by St. Paul’s: You may direct funds to support one of our many Outreach Ministries. If using a credit card or PayPal, enter the donation amount, and follow instructions to make your donation to “Other,” naming the specific ministry in the comments. Click here for a list of St. Paul’s Outreach Ministries.

Altar Guild Flower Fund

Altar Guild Flower Fund: The arrangements you see at our altar each week are funded by congregant donations to the Altar Guild Flower Fund. You can reserve a day to celebrate or remember a loved one with a donation. We need 2 weeks advance notice to acknowledge your gift in our Sunday bulletin by publishing your name and the name of the loved one or celebration you indicate. If you would prefer to remain anonymous, we can do that as well. Please find more details on the altar guild flower form.

St. Paul's Memorial Fund

St. Paul’s Memorial Fund: This fund includes donations made in memory of loved ones. It is typically used for expenses such as robes or vestments for clergy, prayer books, and hymnals.

Memorial Garden Fund

Memorial Garden Fund: This fund is used for the maintenance and improvement of St. Paul’s Memorial Garden. The Memorial Garden includes the Garden, Columbarium, and Remembrance Wall. This fund also includes purchases of inscriptions on the Remembrance Wall. More information can be found on the Memorial Garden page.

Endowment Fund

Endowment Fund: This fund accepts monetary donations, bequests from wills, and other planned gifts. For gifts of $10,000 or more, the donor can have the option of specifying the use of income generated from their donation. For more information, please click here or email endowment@stpaulscary.org.

For questions related to donations, please contact the church office, stpauls@stpaulscary.org, 919-467-1477.

Other Ways to Give

Stock Donations: When wishing to donate stock, please contact the church office at 919-467-1477.

Material Items and Household Goods: At various times during the year, St. Paul’s ministries collect items for outreach projects, targeting specific community needs. On the Donating Non-monetary items page, you will find descriptions of ministry projects that are regularly scheduled, as well as links to specific drives. If you have items to donate, please make sure that you follow the ministry requests and guidelines as indicated.

Memorial Pavers: paver-200x150Honor families and friends with a permanently engraved Memorial Paver in the Circle, across from the main entrance to the church. Each of the rectangular pavers (9.25 x 6″) can hold up to four lines of text with a possible maximum of 20 characters on each line. The price of a paver is $125, enough to cover the cost of the paver and the engraving. Click HERE for a Memorial Paver engraving form; contact facilities@stpaulscary.org for more information.