Where can I donate household items and goods?
At various times during the year, St. Paul’s Ministries collect items for outreach projects, targeting specific community needs. On this page, you will find descriptions of ministry projects that are regularly scheduled, as well as links to specific drives. If you have items to donate, please make sure that you follow the ministry requests and guidelines below.
Please DO NOT bring items and drop them at the church if they are not part of a current collection drive. We do not have storage or distribution services for food, clothing or furniture at St. Paul’s; we partner with other local organizations (like the Green Chair Project, Dorcas Ministries and Note in the Pocket) who would be happy to receive items. Wheels4Hope is a great place to consider donating used vehicles.
Donating Items to Specific Campaigns at St. Paul’s
Refuge for Refugees (R4R): The R4R Ministry at St. Paul’s has periodic needs for the families it serves, especially when families are first settled in housing. Information about current needs can be found on the R4R webpage.
Dorcas Ministries Campaigns: From toilet paper drives to the “Christmas in July” pantry restocking drive, Dorcas Ministries partners with St. Paul’s at various times for specific items. Watch for announcements in weekly parish updates when drives are current, or contact Nancy Fierke, the St. Paul’s liaison for Dorcas Ministries, at nancy.fierke@gmail.com.
Episcopal Farmworker Ministry (EFwM) School Supplies Drive: Each summer, the Episcopal Farmworker Ministry (EFWM) collects school supplies and backpacks for 1200 farmworker children in the community who are returning to school in the fall. Through the end of July, supplies may be purchased through their Amazon School Supply Wish List. If you would like to help EFwM pack or distribute the backpacks, email info@efwm.org to schedule a date and time.
Hermano Day: Each year during Lent, St. Paul’s assists the Episcopal Farmworker Ministry (EFwM) in Dunn, NC, by donating clothing and bedding. These items are distributed to the farmworkers in 47 labor camps which are served by the ministry. A list of suggested items will be added here in February of each year.
St. Nicholas Day: Each December, parishioners reach out to families in need by contributing hundreds of Christmas gifts for distribution to families in need. In late November, our St. Nicholas Tree is set up in the narthex (lobby) and decorated with tags containing information about these children. Parishioners select tags from the tree and bring presents for the child on their tag on St. Nicholas Sunday. More information is available in a letter mailed each November; or you may contact ministry leader Colette Hibberd at hibberdfamily@yahoo.com.