St. Paul’s offers a wide range of ministry opportunities for adults, youth, and children of all ages. If you would like to get involved, our church ministries offer a wide range of opportunities for adults to participate in church life, including fellowship, recreation, and participating in many ways to help the church to run smoothly and to carry out our mission.
Adult Ministries offer opportunities for fellowship, and service within the St. Paul’s community. You can find information about participation in our worship and prayer life under Worship Ministries. The Outreach Ministries page offers opportunities for service and justice work beyond St. Paul’s. Our Adult Formation page has information about opportunities to learn and develop new spiritual practices.
Youth Ministries include Sunday School, Episcopal Youth Community (EYC), and a variety of outreach and service opportunities.
Children’s Ministries provide many opportunities for children to learn, grow and develop spiritually, and form healthy relationships with other kids and adults at St. Paul’s. Children’s Ministries includes Kids’ Club (Nursery), Sunday School, Children’s Chapel, Pre-EYC, and Vacation Bible School.
The St. Paul’s Preschool is often a starting place for eventual membership for young families (though it is not necessary to be a member of St. Paul’s to enroll).
Outreach Ministries provide many opportunities for parishioners to reach out to our neighbors: by giving (e.g., contributing to various collection drives), by doing (i.e., hands-on activities working directly to serve others), and by working for justice with our neighbors (e.g., taking part in local actions to promote affordable housing and racial equity).
Pastoral Care is the ministry of the whole church, not just the ordained. If you or a loved one find yourselves in need of pastoral assistance, please contact the clergy or the church office for more information.
The Ministry Leader Resource Committee serves people in the parish who are in a leadership position, to help make their ministries successful.