Worship. Serve. Grow.

Baptism is “full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ’s Body the Church” (The Book of Common Prayer, 298). Holy baptism is appropriately celebrated during the Sunday service as a public rite whereby we become members of Christ’s body, the Church. At St. Paul’s, baptisms are scheduled about 10 times per year, on particular Feast Days as well as other dates, usually at the 11:15 a.m. service. Both adults and children may be baptized.

In order to help you prepare for the sacrament of baptism for your child, please know that you are required to attend a baptismal instruction class, offered the fourth Tuesday of every month at 6:30 p.m. in the Comfort Room of the church building. Please keep this schedule in mind as you plan your child’s baptism, allowing time to attend the instructional class. Adults who wish to be baptized can arrange to meet with the clergy on an individual basis.

For 2025, the dates we will hold baptisms are as follows:

  • February 9 (11:15 a.m.)
  • March 2 (11:15 a.m.)
  • April 19 – Easter Vigil (8 p.m.)
  • More dates coming soon

To start the process for a baptism:

  • Call and speak with our office administrator to help determine the date for your baptism.
  • Make sure you receive a baptism form from the office administrator at this time. This form enables us to prepare the appropriate certificate for the baptized and the godparent(s). It is appropriate for the godparent(s) to be baptized Christians. You may choose any number of godparents; they are not required to be present at the service to fulfill this role in your life. Please make sure you return the form to the office as soon as it is complete.
  • If the baptism is for a child, register for the instructional class at least one week prior to the class you plan to attend by calling the office (919-467-1477) or emailing the office at stpauls@stpaulscary.org. Childcare is available upon request.

If you have further questions about this process, please contact one of the clergy or St. Paul’s Office Administrator at the church office.