Worship. Serve. Grow.

There are many ways to get involved and find community at St. Paul’s beyond Sunday worship! This page offer opportunities for adult formation, fellowship, and service within the St. Paul’s community. You can find information about participation in our worship life under Worship Ministries. The Outreach Ministries page offers opportunities for service and justice work beyond St. Paul’s.

We use the word “formation” to name the fact that what we do when we engage our Christian faith isn’t simply an intellectual exercise, but a daily practice—one that takes place over a lifetime. We are formed into whom we are called to be as we study, pray, and live out our faith together.

The Rev. Javier Almendárez-Bautista
Associate Rector
919-467-1477, ext. 12


Adult Formation Offerings

Sunday Forums

On Sundays during the formation hour in the Chapel (10:15-11 a.m.), join St. Paul’s clergy as we slow down with Scripture and study the gospel assigned for our current lectionary year: the Gospel according to Luke. We will spend our time walking through the text deliberately, arriving at the final scenes of Christ’s passion and resurrection just as we enter the season of Lent. 

January 12
Introduction (Luke 1)

January 19
Birth and Preparation (Luke 2-4)

January 26
Break – No Forum Today

February 2
Galilean Ministry (Luke 5-9)

February 9
On the Way to Jerusalem (Luke 9-19)

February 16
Teaching at the Temple, Betrayal, and Arrest (Luke 20-22)

February 23
Bishop’s Forum on Confirmation Sunday
With the Rt. Rev. Jennifer Brooke-Davidson

March 2
Crucifixion and Exaltation (Luke 23-24)

Past Sunday Forum Series

2024 Advent Forums: Preparing the Way

December 8: Advent: The In-Between Time with the Rev. Stephanie Yancy
December 15: Advent: A Season of Deeper Listening with the Rev. Carr Holland
December 22: The Prophets in Advent with Will Lee, Diocesan Intern

2024 Fall Forums: The Book of Exodus

September 22: “Now a new king rose over Egypt…” (1:1-2:25) with the Rev. Javier Almendarez-Bautista
September 29: The Commissioning of Moses (3:1-7:7) with the Rev. George Adamik
October 13: The LORD and Pharaoh (7:8-15:21) with the Rev. Javier Almendarez-Bautista
October 20: The Wilderness Journey (15:22-18:27) with the Rev. George Adamik
October 27: The Revelation at Mt. Sinai (19:1-24:8) with the Rev. Javier Almendarez-Bautista

2024 Easter Forums: Sharing Our Story

April 14: How Stories Build Communities with Mary Kintz, St. Paul’s Community Connector
April 21: Of Thine Own Have We Given Thee: Planned Giving at St. Paul’s with the St. Paul’s Endowment Board
April 28: I Was a Stranger and You Welcomed Me: The Refuge for Refugees Ministry with the R4R Ministry
May 5: A Great Cloud of Witnesses: Artist’s Forum with Kelly Latimore, part of a weekend-long exhibition of icons by Kelly Latimore at St. Paul’s
May 12: In Sure and Certain Hope: Burial at St. Paul’s with the Rev. George Adamik
May 19: Seek the Welfare of the City: Dorcas Ministries and Stable Homes Cary with Jill Straight, Senior Director of Client Services and Advocacy, Dorcas Ministries

2024 Lenten Forums: “Do You Want to be Made Well?” Faith, Health and Healing

February 18: Theology and Disability with the Rev. Javier Almendarez-Bautista
February 25: Caring for the Dying with Celia Hartnett, MSW, LCSW
March 3: Chaplaincy and Spiritual Injury with the Rev. Ryan Parker, Priest Associate at Church of the Nativity and Teaching Chaplain at the Durham VA
March 10: Caring for the Caregivers with Celia Hartnett, MSW, LCSW
March 17: Sacramental Psychology with the Rev. Phillip M. Bass, MDiv, ThM, MA, LCMHC, NCC

2024 Winter Forums: The Gospel of Mark 

January 7: Introduction to the Gospels with the Rev. George Adamik
January 14: Preparing the Way (Chapter 1) with the Rev. Javier Almendárez-Bautista
January 21: Healings and Controversies among the First Disciples (Chapters 2-6) with the Rev. George Adamik
January 28: Signs and Doubts (Chapters 7-10) with the Rev. Javier Almendárez-Bautista
February 4: Into Jerusalem (Chapters 11-13) with the Rev. Javier Almendárez-Bautista
February 11: Betrayal, Crucifixion, Resurrection (Chapters 14-16) with the Rev. George Adamik

2023 Advent Forums: Waiting with the Great Cloud of Witnesses

December 3: What is Sainthood? with the Rev. George Adamik
December 10: The Holy Family with the Rev. Javier Almendárez-Bautista
December 17: St. Gregory of Nazianzus on the Incarnation with Devin McGinnis

Selected Recordings

Gun Violence in North Carolina with Sara Smith, Organizing Director, North Carolinians Against Gun Violence
Scripture and Midrash: “What is his name, what shall I say to them?” (Ex 3:13) with Rabbi Raachel Jurovics, PhD, Rabbi-in-Residence, Episcopal Diocese of NC
Scripture and Illustration: the Psalms with the Rev. Canon Earnest Graham
Scripture and Poetry with the Rev. Javier Almendarez-Bautista
The Daily Office with the Rev. George Adamik
Praying the Psalms with the Rev. Alice Graham Grant
The Lord’s Prayer with the Rev. Javier Almendarez-Bautista

Seek and You Will Find:
A Conversation with Rhonda Mawhood Lee with the Rev. Javier Almendarez-Bautista & the Rev. Rhonda Mawhood Lee, Ph.D.

The Song of Mary with the Rev. Javier Almendárez-Bautista
Episcopal 102: What does it mean to belong to the Episcopal Church? with the Rev. George Adamik
Family Promise: Helping Families Find Safe, Affordable, Permanent Housing with Carey Phelps, Development & Volunteer Manager, Family Promise
The Liturgical Year in the Jewish Tradition with Rabbi Ariel Edery, Beth Shalom, Wake County

Anxiety in the Midst of the Pandemic with Phillip M. Bass, MDiv, ThM, MA, LCMHC, NCC
Resilience: Childhood Trauma, Prevention, and Hope with St. Paul’s Resilience Ministry
Faithful Citizenship: Where Do We Go From Here with the Rev. Javier Almendarez-Bautista & Aleta McClenney

These and other recordings are available on St. Paul’s YouTube channel.

Morning Prayer

The Book of Common Prayer contains the Daily Office, a set of prayer services with monastic roots that help the average person enter into the practice of prayer in daily life. St. Paul’s offers Morning Prayer over Facebook Live every Monday through Friday at 8:00 a.m. The service is short (usually about 20 minutes) and it is led by clergy and lay people alike. Anyone is welcome to join in this rhythm of prayer, and the services remain available for viewing if you cannot join at 8:00 a.m.

Contact: The Rev. George Adamik (George.Adamik@stpaulscary.org)

Movie Night

You are invited to join us each month for Movie Night, a discussion of recent and not-so-recent movies, hosted by Fr. Javier, Tad Richard, and Neil McClenney.

We meet once a month on Sunday evenings. The location rotates, usually a local pub or restaurant, and we ensure that non-alcoholic drinks are also available. Check adult ministry news for specific movie selections and updates.

Weekday Offerings

We have a rotating Wednesday evening offering at 7 p.m. or at other times during the week. It is usually a Bible or book study led by lay leaders. During Advent and Lent, we also offer contemplative Eucharist services led by the clergy. Check the adult formation news on the website for the most up-to-date information.


Cursillo Cursillo is a three-day weekend of Christian refreshment and renewal, sometimes called a short course in Christian living or “Christian Boot Camp.” Bishop Curry said, “Through the Cursillo experience and community countless men and women have come to know our Lord more deeply and profoundly. Through the ministry of the Cursillo community lives have been transformed and disciples of Jesus both formed and renewed. This is a sacred and holy ministry for which I truly give God thanks and praise.” The North Carolina Cursillo website is www.nccursillo.org.

Contact: The Rev. Candy Snively (Candy.Snively@att.net)

Daytime Book Group

Daytime Book Group: This group is open to men and women. We meet in the Youth Wing on the second Tuesday of the month from noon to no later than 1:30 pm. We read and discuss a varied selection of fiction, historical fiction, non-fiction, biographies, etc. Members volunteer to be discussion leaders as desired. All are welcome! 

Upcoming reading selections for 2025:

  • February 11:  “The First Ladies” by Marie Benedict and Victoria Christopher Murray
  • March 11:  “The Book of Longings” by Sue Monk Kidd
  • April 8:  “Israel: A Simple Guide to the Most Misunderstood Country on Earth” by Nora Tishby
  • May 13:  “The Briar Club” by Kate Quinn
  • June 10:  “The Things We Keep” by Sally Hepworth

Contact: Joyce Loughlin (loughlin1@mindspring.com)

Other Church Ministry Opportunities

Care and Share

Care and Share

Care and Share: an in-reach ministry where members of St. Paul’s respond to the immediate short-term needs of members within our parish. When you or your family is in need, remember Care and Share for:

  • Meals
  • A friendly visit or phone call
  • Transportation to church or to see doctors
  • Help with errands or grocery shopping
  • Help with housework or yard work
  • Help with paperwork
  • Emergency Child care
  • Help with funeral receptions
  • Prayer, or a Visiting Eucharistic Minister

We depend on our volunteer list to provide the helping hands mentioned above. We are especially in need of help with funeral receptions and transportation, but any level of help is appreciated. Our core group is compassionate and fun to work with. If you would like to volunteer to help with Care and Share, please contact Melonie Wigley (919-264-4401, busheyhall68@gmail.com).

If you would like to see some potential recipes for Care and Share receivers, click here: Care and Share Recipes.


Coffee Hour

Coffee Hour

St. Paul’s offers a Sunday Coffee Hour for casual conversation between the 9:00 and 11:15 AM worship services. Ministries volunteer to serve as hosts each week, preparing coffee, tea, water, and sometimes snacks, served in the Parish Hall. Hosting Coffee Hour provides us with a way to highlight various ministries and their good works in the Prayers of the People. During the summer schedule, between the 9:00 and 10:45 services, Coffee & Chaos is held in the entry to the Parish Hall, where adults can gather as children enjoy the playground. Coffee & Chaos is open to ALL, not just those with children. Seating and rest rooms are available in the lobby of the Parish Hall. If your ministry or group would like to host a coffee hour, you can sign up here: Host Coffee Hour Not sure if you know what to do? Check out the instructions here:

Contact: Mary Kintz (mary.kintz@stpaulscary.org)

Communications Committee

Communications Committee

This group oversees and helps to coordinate information sources for the parish, including:

  • Weekly Updates (emailed letter highlighting events in the week ahead)
  • Website 
  • Facebook and other social media
  • Sunday bulletin announcements
  • Other forms of in-house publicity and communication

Send an email to communications@stpaulscary.org if have any questions about communications, or if you need help related to the website.

Facilities Management

Facilities Management

FACILITIES MANAGEMENT STEERING COMMITTEE: Functions as an oversight committee that supports and coordinates those parish activities that are designed to improve and add to the facilities and grounds of the parish. Additionally, the committee prioritizes building and grounds projects and manages an annual budget that supports the entire facilities maintenance and capital improvements projects.

AUDIO VISUAL STRATEGY AND SUPPORT COMMITTEE: Maintains a strategic vision and technical support to ensure the audio and video needs of the parish are met. Responsibilities of this ministry include long-range planning, design, and installation, as well as ongoing operational support.

BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS COMMITTEE: Responsible for upkeep and maintenance of facilities.

FURNISHING, FIXTURES AND FINISHES COMMITTEE: Facilitates provision of a functional and aesthetically pleasing environment for parishioners, staff and visitors of St. Paul’s, by selecting and/or approving the interior furnishings, fixtures and finishes for buildings on the St. Paul’s campus.

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE: Maintains a strategic vision and a tactical support structure to ensure the information technology needs of the Church are met in a practical, sustainable, and cost efficient manner. In addition, this committee provides equipment setup and operational support as needed.

LAWN CARE COMMITTEE: Responsible for mowing the grass at St. Paul’s.

Information Technology (IT) Committee

Information Technology (IT) Committee

The IT Committee maintains a strategic vision and a tactical support structure to ensure the information technology needs of the Church are met in a practical, sustainable, and cost efficient manner. In addition, this committee provides equipment setup and operational support as needed.

Contact: Heather Gates (itcommittee@stpaulscary.org)

Memorial Garden Committee

Memorial Garden Committee

This committee maintains and manages the Memorial Garden, which is a place for the interment of ashes in simple dignity and in surroundings that proclaim our resurrection faith. Click here for the Memorial Garden Page.

Contact: Jackie Straub (jmpstraub@aol.com)

Men's Beach Week

Men’s Beach Week

Men’s Beach Week has a long tradition at St. Paul’s.  Each year, a couple dozen or so guys from St. Paul’s join together in Emerald Isle, NC. We rent adjacent oceanfront duplexes and enjoy being at the beach together. It’s a great way to meet new friends and catch up with old ones. The week runs Sunday-Sunday, ending on the last Sunday of April. You can choose to stay for any number of nights. This is a very casual event. The only planned item is a group dinner every evening, and it’s quite fair to say that we eat very well. We do very much welcome newcomers.

Check out our web page at Men’s Beach Week (MBW) for specifics on cost and dates, or contact Mike McInerney at mbw@stpaulscary.org for more info.

Men's Group

Men’s Group

St. Paul’s Men’s Group fosters fellowship for St. Paul’s adult males and works to accomplish various service projects as a group or as individual members of the church. Contact: Men’s Group Ministry Leader Rick Bradley at rbradley@email.unc.edu. Some of our projects include:

  • Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
  • Hosting Coffee Hour
  • Participating in the Mini-Ministry Fair
  • Organizing Men’s Beach Week
  • Assisting with the Parish Picnic
  • Assisting with Lobster Fest – first Saturday in October

Men’s Group also schedules: Work days, Lawn mowing (2-man teams mow throughout the grass-growing season) 

Newcomer Ministry

Newcomer Ministry

The Newcomer Ministry welcomes your participation. Activities of the Newcomer Ministry are listed below.

The Bread Ministry bakes and delivers bread to visitors who attend Saint Paul’s each week. Bakers are responsible for baking and delivering two loaves of bread to the church on one assigned Sunday each quarter. The drivers are also assigned specific Sunday’s each quarter and they are responsible for retrieving the list of visitors on Sunday and delivering bread to those homes on Sunday afternoon. Each of these jobs requires only a small time commitment and this is a great way to welcome newcomers. Do you remember how welcome that loaf of bread made you feel after your first visit to St. Paul’s? Would you like to share that joy with someone new to the parish or visiting for the first time? Can you take, just one loaf to just one visitor on your way home from church on Sunday? It is so easy and it means so much!

Greeters welcome everyone to St. Paul’s! Each Sunday greeters arrive a few minutes before the 9:00 and 11:15 AM services in order to welcome visitors to the service. They answer questions, invite visitors to coffee hour, introduce visitors to the clergy, and provide visitors with information about Saint Paul’s.

Newcomer Ministry Contact: Frank and Anne Laney (annewlaney@gmail.com)
Bread Ministry Contact: Sally Moller (919-367-0844)

Photo Ministry

Photo Ministry

St. Paul’s Photo Ministry photographs various church and ministry events. Many of our photos are displayed on St. Paul’s web page and on St. Paul’s photo archive, hosted by smugmug: stpaulscary.smugmug.com. Photos can be downloaded for free from the archive. Events that we photograph regularly include the Christmas Pageant, the Blessing of the Animals, and the Talent Show. We have also photographed various outreach ministries, such as Stop Hunger Now and the ASP send-off, as well as special music events. If you would like to submit a request that your ministry’s event be photographed, you can email photos@stpaulscary.org. Also, please email if you are a photography hobbyist and are interested in being part of the Photo Ministry team. To see a collection of St. Paul’s photos, visit our SmugMug page

Contact: Dan Loughlin (danloughlin@gmail.com)

Prayer Stitchers

Prayer Stitchers

cap-scarf-mittens-200St. Paul’s Prayer Stitchers is a ministry of prayer, fellowship, and social action. We gather in the Youth Wing every Wednesday from 10:00 am to noon. We invite you to join us and create items to contribute to In-reach and Outreach ministries at St. Paul’s and those beyond our walls. Some examples of our projects are:

  • afghans to help our ASP raise funds for their programs and to leave with each of their host families. Also, for the families of Refuge for Refugees and Habitat for Humanity.
  • items made for sale at yearly craft fairs at St. Paul’s and Glenaire,
  • baby blankets for families at St. Paul’ss with newborns and grandparents to take when
  • visiting a new grandchild who lives elsewhere,
  • hats for babies and children at WakeMed and Ronald McDonald House,
  • Prayer Shawls, Prayer Pockets, and Prayer Squarest to encourage and support parishioners and others in difficult times.

We make warm hats, gloves, scarves, and other items throughout the year. We donate these items to charities benefitting children/ families and veterans each December. Knitters and crocheters of all skill levels are welcome. If you want to learn how to knit or crochet, we would be delighted to help you. Our membership includes skilled knitters and crocheters eager to teach these crafts. We have yarn, needles, and hooks to get you started if you don’t have your own. Please feel free to contact us and ask to be put on our e-mail list to receive information about Prayer Stitcher’s needs and current projects if you would like to make items for donation but can’t attend meetings. We welcome donations. If you have leftover or unused yarn which needs a new home, we can use it. Bring it to a meeting or contact Beth or Marilyn to arrange for us to get it from you. Monetary donations are also welcome. Checks may be written to St. Paul’s Episcopal church with “Prayer Stitchers” in the memo line.

Contact: Beth Barnes (919-380-7214, eanbarnes@gmail.com) or Marilyn Mitchell (919-854-1887, mdmitchel19@gmail.com)

Rainbow Gathering

Rainbow Gathering

The mission of the Rainbow Gathering ministry is to provide a supportive community and an inclusive gathering place for individuals who identify as LGBTQIA+, our allies, families and friends. The intention is to be a community that promotes St. Paul’s as a welcoming church in the spirit of the message “All are Welcome” We invite you to join us for fellowship, support, fun, laughter, reflection, food, information, resources and an opportunity for spiritual growth and development. Rainbow Gathering is now meeting the third Sunday of each month, from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. in the youth wing.

Contact: Andrea Johnson (919-348-9599, jang7e@gmail.com).

Resilience Ministry

Resilience Ministry

This ministry offers resources for individuals, families and communities to understand and then prevent or respond to the long term effects of childhood adversity. See the Resilience Ministry page.

Contact: Howard Loughlin (hloughlin@earthlink.net, 919-234-1356) Jackie Straub, (919-460-6628, jmpstraub@aol.com)

Visiting Eucharistic Ministers

Visiting Eucharistic Ministers

Visiting Eucharistic Ministers bring communion to our homebound or hospitalized members.

Contact: The Rev. Candy Snively (Candy.Snively@att.net)

Women's Beach Week

Women’s Beach Week

St. Paul’s Women’s Beach Week is an annual event, in the spring of each year, and is open to St. Paul’s women 18 years or older. Come for a few nights, or stay all week! It is a time for fellowship … but it can be so many different things to different people. Please take time to read the FAQ’s to better understand what the WBW experience can be for you. 

Details about this year’s trip can be found on the Women’s Beach Week webpage

2024 Registration Form

Questions? Email wbw@stpaulscary.org.

Oh, no man would ever understand Exactly why I have to hit the sand Hanging out with 50 of my friends At Women’s Beach Weekend!