Worship. Serve. Grow.

Upcoming Events

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Online Sunday Worship

The Holy Eucharist is livestreamed on St. Paul’s Facebook page at 9 a.m. on Sundays. A Facebook account is not required. 

Ministry Fair

Ministry leaders will be on hand to share stories and answer questions about what they do and how you can get involved.

Pre-EYC Kickoff Meeting

4th and 5th graders and parents are invited to join our first gathering of Pre-EYC (Episcopal Youth Community) in the Parish Hall. Friends are definitely welcome!

First EYC/Parent Meeting

Join us for our initial meeting of EYC in the Youth Wing.  The Youth Committee will host a Parent Information meeting which we strongly encourage you all to attend!

Prayer Stitchers

St. Paul’s Prayer Stitchers gather to knit together in the Youth Wing every Wednesday.