
February 16, 2025

New to St. Paul’s? Welcome! Please let us know you are here by filling out a visitor card in the pew. Stop by our Welcome Station in the narthex (lobby) to chat with Greeters and find materials that might help if you are new to St. Paul’s or The Episcopal Church. Join a tour of our campus this morning to learn more and meet others. Contact Mary Kintz, our Community Connector, at to learn more about us!

Kids’ Club (Education Building): Our Kids’ Club (nursery) is available during the 9 a.m. service through Coffee Hour; infants/toddlers through 36 months (3 years old) are welcome to attend.

Children’s Chapel: Children ages 3 years old through 5th grade are invited to process to Children’s Chapel during the 9 a.m. service and return to their families during announcements.

Coffee Hour (Parish Hall): Hosted this week by. Join us after the 9 a.m. service for coffee and conversation.

Adult Formation (Chapel, 10:15-11 a.m.): Our series The Gospel According to Luke continues today with a presentation by Fr. Javier.

Children’s Sunday School – 5th grade and under (Education Building): Classes are meeting from 10:15-11 a.m.

Youth Sunday School – 6th thru 12th grade (Youth Wing): Classes are meeting from 10:15-11 a.m.

Episcopal Youth Community (EYC): Meets this evening for fun and fellowship from 5-7 p.m. in the Youth Wing.


Update from the Refuge for Refugees Ministry: Recent executive orders have directly impacted the work of St. Paul’s Refuge for Refugees (R4R) Ministry. At our most recent meeting, R4R voted to share $5,000 from the ministry’s restricted fund to provide funding for refugees already in our area impacted by this freeze. We were able to respond to this urgent need due to your generous support. While we are not requesting additional donations at this time, we want you to be aware that what you have already given is making a difference! Please read the rest of R4R’s update on the church website, and contact Ann Lockhart and Deb Richard at if you have any questions.

Contribute Baked Items for Confirmation Celebration Feb. 23: Help us recognize those who are being confirmed on Feb. 23 by contributing baked goods or other food items for our celebration. Let’s show up as a community to support this special ceremony of belonging; you will also be able to attend the Bishop’s Forum beginning around 10:30 a.m. A link to what is needed is available on the St. Paul’s website; you may also email Mary Kintz at to ask what to bring and how you might help.

Children’s Communion Classes: Children in 1st through 3rd grade are invited to join our 2025 Communion Class. Three sequential sessions will meet Sundays, Mar. 2, 9 and 16, from 10:15-11 a.m. The class offers a learning experience about the meaning of the rite; it is not a prerequisite for children’s communion participation. A Communion Celebration will take place at a festive Coffee Hour on March 23. Register for the class on the St. Paul’s website or by contacting Office Administrator Natalie Sroka at

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper: Join us Tuesday, Mar. 4, 5-7 p.m. for the annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper prepared by the Men’s Group. All you can eat pancakes and sausage, $8 for adults/youth over age 14, $3 for ages 5-14, free for children under age 5. Gluten free and vegan options will be available. Children’s Ministries will have Mardi Gras craft activities for children as well. Invite a friend and come for the fun!

Special Children’s Chapel Study During Lent: Children’s Ministries is offering “Animal Crackers,” designed by Heifer International, as a special six-week Lenten Study during Children’s Chapel beginning March 9th. Each Sunday, children will learn about an animal and how it helps communities around the world thrive, with opportunities to see themselves as part of a global family and learn how small changes can have big impacts. We will distribute mite boxes so the children can collect donations for Heifer International; mite boxes can be returned on Easter Sunday. Contact Sherri Hubbard at for more information.

Write a Postcard for Advocacy Day 2025: The response to the diocesan invitation to write postcards to state legislators has generated much interest, so we are hosting a postcard-writing event on Feb. 22 from 10 a.m. til noon in the Youth Wing. Drop in to share a few minutes with others who wish to be heard; take time to share your concerns with those we’ve elected.  Advocacy Day 2025 is an opportunity for the bishops of the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina to visit with state legislators at the North Carolina General Assembly and share messages of encouragement and concern from our voices. Postcards and instructions are also still available in the narthex, if you can’t join us on the 22nd; cards must be completed by March 1 to be included with the diocesan project.

Sign Up for Women’s Beach Week: Attention Ladies: join us for fun in the sun and a laughter-filled trip to Emerald Isle April 27 – May 4! Come for a few days or for the whole week. The cost depends on the number of participants, so we need your responses ASAP. Learn more about the trip and how you can treat yourself to this wonderful stress-reliever on the St. Paul’s website. Sign up online or contact Yvon Daniel, 919-747-1199,

Prayer List: Dave, Bob, Ann, Vickie, Ann, Laura, Margaret, Mary, Virginia, Doug, Guy, Katie, Cathy, Alan, Jessica, John, Mary, Susan, Clarence, Susan, Mila, Florence, Noah, Sally, Chase, John, Janice, John, Randy, Mary, Regina, Nathanael, Lisa, Parrish, Matias, Yosi, Trudy, Lorraine, Ralph, Judy, Jackie, Christy, Marty, Gary, Lou, Steven, Bonnie, Olive, Randall, Becky, Connor, Carter, Henry, Gary, Jessica, Martha, Joe, Rich, Jen, Jack, Louane, Ted, Barb, Peggy, Joy, Anne, Donna, Tim, Hope, Alexis, Marty, Janet, Austin, Kelle, Anthony, Jennifer, Liddy, and Clay.

In the prayers for the deceased, we pray for Carter Jonathan Whitt; Scott Bolick, father of Jill (Steve) Zapadinsky; Clay McClenney, brother of Neil (Aleta) McClenney.

If you have a name you would like to include on the prayer list, or a ministry event that you would like to announce in this printed bulletin, please send information to Names included in the prayer list will remain for a month, and we are happy to extend at your request. Please note that there is a 2-week lead time on printed announcements.