Our mission statement is simple:
Worship. Serve. Grow.
These three facets of Christian discipleship—how we gather to pray, how we reach out to our neighbors in loving service, and how we nurture the spiritual growth of all God’s children through our formation activities from childhood into adulthood—form the backbone of our common life.
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church is home to an active, caring, and diverse congregation of the Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina. Through worship, spiritual development, fellowship, and service we continue to grow together in faith. We strive to be Christ’s welcoming, reconciling, and transforming presence in the world through our many and varied ministries.
We aspire to be a caring faith community where all are welcome. We value a vibrant celebration of the Eucharist that engages our congregants through words and song. We support the spiritual and moral development of our children and youth through programs that fully integrate them into the life of our church. We encourage the generous spirit that moves our members to reach out directly to those in need in our community. We will continue our faith journey together in fellowship, providing our members spiritual formation to enhance their worship experience, while managing our resources responsibly.