St. Paul’s Prayer List

December 1, 2024

Dave, Bob, Ann, Vickie, Ann, Laura, Margaret, Mary, Virginia, Doug, Guy, Katie, Cathy, Alan, Jessica, Sherry, John, Mary, Susan, Clarence, Susan, Mila, Florence, Noah, Sally, Chase, Ronnie, John, Janice, Chris , Bill, John, Randy. Becky, Mike, the Lytvinenko Family, John, Amy, Connor, Louane, Shannon, Rebecca, Mary, Regina, Ray, Myrna, Nathanael, Kailey, David, Lisa, Parrish, Matias, Yosi, Trudy, Lorraine, Ralph, Judy, Jackie, Christy, Mark, and Marty.

If you have a name you would like to include on the prayer list, or a ministry event that you would like to announce in this printed bulletin, please send information to Please note that there is a 2-week lead time on printed announcements.