Worship. Serve. Grow.

3 Panel Example

3 panel layout. Top panel fill with for typical page content. After the top panel 2 columns. Left News and right Events. Using classic editor block for content.

After News & Events is an example of using the same text in multiple places, pages and posts. Now a custom pattern. A change on 1 page/post will change all places.

Vestry News

An Update from Senior Warden Barb Magee

Barb Magee, Sr. Warden of St. Paul’s vestry, provides some insight on what lies ahead as we celebrate our time with Rector George Adamik and prepare for the period of transition following his retirement on Nov. 3. Read the full letter…

Endowment Funds Available

Do you have a good idea for the use of St. Paul’s endowment funds?  In 2024, the St. Paul’s Endowment will be able to again fund projects that fulfill the mission of our church, beyond our operating budget.  This year, the Vestry expects to distribute $14,259 in funds from the Endowment…

Congratulations to New Vestry Members

In case you missed the Annual Meeting on November 5, we welcomed Dan Loughlin to the vestry, serving through 2025, as well as four members who will serve through 2026: John Goehrke, Carrie Hess, Allison Moon, and Randall Robinson. Thank you to all who serve the parish in this way.

Weekly Update January 27, 2022: A Letter from the Rector

Dear Friends, During last weekend’s vestry retreat Tom Fransen was elected Senior Warden, and Barb Magee Junior Warden.  I look forward to working with them and the entire vestry of Gerri Batchelor, Oliver Gatchalian, Guy Vitaglione, Heather Gates, Sally Moller, Cathryn Lamb, Brad Hirschy, Vickie Johnson, John Armstrong, and Karen Smith, as well as John Goehrke, Treasurer, and Lanny Wase, Clerk of…

Parish Hall Renamed to Honor the Rev. George Adamik

In case you missed it last Sunday, November 6, 2022, Frank Laney and Rick Bradley, the chairs of our Welcoming in Christ Capital Campaign, officially presented Fr. George the honor of renaming the Parish Hall in his name.

Vestry Events

St. Paul’s Annual Meeting

Please join us in the church on Sunday, November 5, 2023, immediately after the 9:00 a.m. service for St. Paul’s Annual Meeting.  For those new to The Episcopal Church, the annual meeting is when we elect new vestry members to leadership and hear from clergy and lay leaders about how we plan to move forward…

NOTE: For copies of older minutes or treasurer’s reports, please contact stpauls@stpaulscary.org. Also please note that it takes approximately one month from a Vestry meeting for the minutes and reports to appear here. The previous month’s minutes and treasurer’s report must be approved at each Vestry meeting before they are posted.

Minutes of St. Paul’s Vestry meetings:
Contact: Lanny Wase (lannywase@mac.com)

Treasurer’s Reports:
Contact: John Goehrke (jtgoehrke2@aol.com)

St. Paul’s Budget 
Contact: financial@stpaulscary.org

Profit and Loss Reports:
Contact: financial@stpaulscary.org

St. Paul’s Vestry Procedures

  • The Episcopal Diocese of North Carolina Constitution & Canons: the St. Paul’s Vestry Procedures highlight the sections pertinent to the governance of the parish in the diocesan Constitution and Canons (the set of church laws by which all Episcopal churches are governed).
  • The Episcopal Church Constitution & Canons: for more information, read Canon 13, Of Parishes and Congregations, and Canon 14,  Of Parish Vestries.


Vestry Events

St. Paul’s Annual Meeting

Please join us in the church on Sunday, November 5, 2023, immediately after the 9:00 a.m. service for St. Paul’s Annual Meeting.  For those new to The Episcopal Church, the annual meeting is when we elect new vestry members to leadership and hear from clergy and lay leaders about how we plan to move forward…

Vestry News

St. Paul’s Annual Meeting

Please join us in the church on Sunday, November 5, 2023, immediately after the 9:00 a.m. service for St. Paul’s Annual Meeting.  For those new to The Episcopal Church, the annual meeting is when we elect new vestry members to leadership and hear from clergy and lay leaders about how we plan to move forward…