Read about Adult Formation in the April Newsletter, page 12.
Sunday, April 2: The Rev. Canon Rhonda Lee, Diocese of North Carolina, will lead today’s segment of our Lenten series on Faith and the Common Life in the Chapel from 10:15 – 11:00 AM. Join us as we explore how our faith informs our public witness. This week’s class is “The Psalms and Nonviolent Communication part 2.” Coffee and cookies are available in the Chapel narthex before class.
There will be no classes April 9, 16, or 23.
Wednesday, April 5: Join us for a Lenten study in the Youth Wing from 6:00 – 6:45 PM. The class focuses on spiritual exercises that have enriched the lives of Christians for hundreds of years. We will learn about practicing and reflection of the disciplines based on the book Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster. Child care will be provided. Please email Beth Barnes at to ensure we have adequate staff for childcare.
- Women’s Study Group, 2nd Tues, 12:00-1:30, Cry Room
- Julian Gathering, 2nd & 4th Wed, 9:15 AM, Cry Room
- People of all Colors and Cultures Together, 1st Tues, 7:00 PM, Youth Wing
- Centering Prayer, Cary Presbyterian Church, 9:00 AM on Fridays
If you are looking for something more in your spiritual life, or if you need a “kick-start,” you may want to attend the next Cursillo Weekend being conducted here at St. Paul’s, June 8-11, 2017. Cursillo is a spiritual renewal ministry in the Episcopal Church for men and women. For more information about this Cursillo Weekend, please contact Rev. Candy Snively at 919-380-7101 or Also check out the Cursillo website at
Click HERE for Coffee Hour schedule.
(If you attend Sunday Adult Formation classes, there will be coffee in the Chapel narthex before class.)