St Paul’s has registered a team at the Glenaire 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run, Walk, and Roll on Saturday, April 1, 2017. The race will start and finish at the Glenaire Retirement Community just two minutes from the church. If you and your family would like to participate in this event, please go to for information and to register. To register, please enter all of your information, select the St Paul’s Fundraising Team, and then complete the online registration form. If you prefer, you can pick up a registration form in the narthex (a separate form is needed for each person participating in the event.) Please return paper forms to Leah or Christine on Sunday, March 19 so they can be taken to Glenaire on Monday in time to order your race shirt. Glenaire is awarding $250 to the church with the most registrations. If St Paul’s wins, the money will be split between the youth and the children’s ministries. This will be fun for your entire family. We hope you can join in the fun on April 1.