Worship. Serve. Grow.

Youth News (Jul 14, 2019)

A quick email to remind you that we have a Shake It Up Sunday (milkshakes and games) on Sunday, July 14th from 6-8 pm. That’s my last Sunday so PLEASE come so say goodbye! If you can come to the 9:00 service that would be great too – I think there’s a farewell something that’s happening then too. I plan to speak, so you could come to see if I can get through it without crying!

High schoolers: the Youth Leadership Team (YLT) is looking for new members. The YLT is a group of high school students who help plan and organize youth events at St. Paul’s. It’s a great way to get involved on the ground level and develop leadership skills. Here’s the application: https://forms.gle/hR7myQ28Ub3a4CLBA. Applications are due 7/13/19. If you have any questions, contact Emily Schertz at emily.schertz@gmail.com or McKenna Jeffries at kennalyn02@gmail.com.

I hope to see you on July 14th. Happy 4th of July today!
