Worship. Serve. Grow.

Bulletin Announcements for Sunday, Jul 21, 2019

Sunday. Join us at 10:15 a.m. today between services in the youth wing for a Rob Bell NOOMA video and informal discussion. These short videos encourage us to examine our faith in new ways, and we’ll finish in time for you to get to the 10:45 a.m. service.

Wednesday. We continue our study of Richard Rohr’s book, The Universal Christ, on July 24, 7 to 8:30 p.m., in the Youth Wing. For more information, including a schedule and video resources, please contact Gerri Batchelor at gerrikairos@gmail.com.

CELEBRATION OF LIFE: FUNERAL PREPARATION CLASS: While thinking of planning a funeral might not be on the top of anyone’s to do list, we all know that it will be done at some point. And if it can be done ahead of time, most find it to be a relief for themselves and their loved ones.
St. Paul’s is providing a way for individuals and families to organize their thoughts and desires regarding final plans. Those plans can then be on file at the church and edited at any time.
Sunday, July 28 at noon, the Rev. Melanie Mudge will lead a session that will guide all to use our beautiful liturgy to have a funeral that will reflect the individual whose life is being celebrated. It has been her experience that these planning sessions are not depressing but rather a time of openness and humor.
Please register by emailing: Melanie.Mudge@stpaulscary.org. Loved ones are encouraged to come if possible. We will be providing a sandwich / salad lunch for $5.00 per person.

MINISTRY HIGHLIGHTS AND SUMMERTIME REFRESHMENTS: The Memorial Garden Ministry is providing refreshments following the 9:00 a.m. service today. This ministry works to provide a beautiful, spiritual space for the interment of ashes and the remembrance of family and friends.

There will be no refreshments next week.

THE ARTS & CRAFTS FESTIVAL FOR OUTREACH: Help Wanted! We are looking for additional committee members. We need someone to manage the St. Paul’s Table, which sells handmade items donated by parishioners, and someone to coordinate volunteer scheduling. The festival will take place on Saturday, November 9, with proceeds going to outreach. We’d love to have you join us in raising money for outreach. If you’re interested and would like to know more, please contact Sally Moller, sbm2@nc.rr.com.

NEW CHECK REQUEST FORM: If you need a reimbursement check, please note our new due date. Requests are due Monday morning by 8:00 a.m. and will be disbursed by the following Monday. Check requests will be delayed if all information is not completed. Forms can be found on the website or in the Church Office in the mailbox.

ENDOWMENT BOARD FUNDS ARE AVAILABLE: The St. Paul’s Endowment Board is delighted to announce that funds are available to further St. Paul’s outreach efforts and to continue to beautify our grounds. We are indebted to those generous donors who lovingly gave gifts to St. Paul’s. Now we need to ensure that their generosity is cherished and celebrated. If you have a great idea for using these funds for an outreach project (approximately $1400 available) or a grounds beautification project (approximately $1800 available), we would love to hear from you! Endowment Grant Request forms are available on the website, or email Katie Bricio at katiebricio13@gmail.com. It is important to note that there are restrictions on exactly how these funds can be used. Please see the website for more information or ask Katie. Endowment Grant Request forms will be accepted through July 31, 2019.

BAPTISM: Today at the 9:00 a.m. service, we rejoice in the baptism of Jaxon Speight Greco, son of Daniel and Ashton Greco; of Ethan Peter Samuel, son of John and Nicole Samuel; of Trenton James Rohe, son of Regina and Elizabeth Rohe; of Tyler Benjamin Rohe, son of Regina and Elizabeth Rohe; of Kathryn Mae Pitt, daughter of Calvin and Stacey Pitt; of Elizabeth Ruth Rohe; and of Stacey Lynn Pitt.

Children’s Chapel, for children ages 3 yr. – 2nd grade, will be held today at the 9:00 a.m. service.
Parables and Popsicles: After the 9:00 a.m. service on the playground, we will read a parable with our kids, eat popsicles, and enjoy fellowship with kids and parents.
Church School Teacher Sign-Up: It’s that time of year again! If you feel called to teaching Church School this coming school year, please email churchschool@stpaulscary.org. Please also include what age group you might be interested in helping with.