Worship. Serve. Grow.

News (Page 77)

News from St. Paul’s

Our community at St. Paul’s is constantly bustling with activity. Whatever your interests, there’s an opportunity to get involved.

Parish Updates

St. Paul’s Weekly Update is a weekly email sent to parishioners and those on a subscription list.  Click here to subscribe to the Weekly Update, including other ministry lists, such as youth and children’s programming updates.

For more communications-related resources about St. Paul’s, you can go to the Resources page.

Update Mar 18, 2020: Message on Coronavirus Protocol (COVID-19) at St. Paul’s

March 18, 2020

Dear Friends:

Bishop Rodman has issued new directives for congregations of our diocese regarding the coronavirus. Included in these directives is the extended suspension of in-person worship and gatherings until May 17.

At least once a week, we will be writing a letter to you to keep you informed of how St. Paul’s will comply with these directives and share ways that we are continuing in ministry together. As George has said over the years, St. Paul’s is a faith community that lives in the rhythm of gathering and being sent forth. Responding to the coronavirus through social distancing does not need to mean disconnectedness. During this time, we will simply need to experience community in new and creative ways.

The Rt. Rev. Rob Wright, bishop of The Episcopal Diocese of Atlanta, recently said: “The church cannot be cancelled, the church can only adapt! Press on, take care of one another, take care of yourself. God is trustworthy!”  Let this remind us all that we are the Church. While we will not be gathering face-to-face for the weeks ahead, church will continue because we are the Body of Christ, even when we are apart.

Many of you have been asking us, “How can I help?” Below are some opportunities to do that in the coming weeks:

  1. Pray and worship with us. Our worship will continue each Sunday at 9:00 a.m. via livestream. You can find the link on the St. Paul’s Facebook page as well as our website. We are also looking to offer other opportunities for worship during the week. Stay tuned for more information on those offerings.
  2. Participate in the care of our St. Paul’s community. Our Clergy and the Care and Share Ministry are reaching out to those most vulnerable and isolated in our parish community. We are planning to provide care within the parameters set by the diocese, which may include picking up groceries for the homebound and making regular phone calls for fellowship and connection. If you are interested in participating in this important ministry, please contact the co-chairs of our Care and Share Ministry, Margie Best (mwbest@bellsouth.net; 919-303-3830) and Melonie Wigley (melonie.wigley@att.net; 919-264-4401).
  3. Continue to support St. Paul’s financially. The work of the church is significant–maybe now more than ever. From opportunities to gather together in new and creative ways, to our ability to care for those most vulnerable within our community, to our ministry to those outside our church walls, our ministry will continue in the midst of this pandemic. There are several ways you can make your financial offering:
    • You can elect to have your checking or savings account drafted on a monthly basis by completing an Electronic Funds Transfer Authorization Form and mailing it back to the church office for processing.  Funds are drafted once a month, on or around the 15th of the month.
    • You can donate with a credit card via PayPal by using the Donate button on this page:
    • You can mail your check to the church office: 221 Union Street, Cary, NC 27511.
  4. Care for our wider community. There are a variety of ways to contribute to the community at large. Dorcas Ministries of Cary and Urban Ministries of Wake County, two of our significant ministry partners, are receiving donations at this time. (Please check their website for updated information regarding what kind of donations they are receiving.) There are also a good number of volunteer opportunities and feeding programs in Western Wake County. Keep in mind that you can make donations to the Rectors’ Discretionary Funds as well, which are reserved for those needs in the community that fall outside of St. Paul’s operating budget.

We will make more information available as we go forward. These are challenging times, my friends. But together, we can walk into the dream that God has for us.

The Rev. George Adamik, Rector
The Rev. Javier Almendarez-Bautista, Associate Rector

Easter Lilies Available (Apr 19, 2020)

The Altar Guild will be putting the Easter lilies outside the front of the church after the live streamed service on Sunday, April 19, 2020. They will be available for people to come by and pick up after 12:00 noon. (Please keep physical distance when coming to get them.) P.S. To see the beautiful work…

Palm Sunday Service (Apr 5, 2020)

The Palm Sunday worship service was live streamed on Facebook, www.facebook.com/stpaulscary/ , at 9:00 a.m. on April 5, 2020.  Click HERE for a recorded video of the service.  Click HERE for a PDF of the Sunday bulletin which can be used to follow along with the service.  Because of the temporary suspension of in-person gatherings,…

Hope for the Journey: Meditations from George and Javier

Introducing Hope for the Journey, a series of meditations by Fr. George and Fr. Javier: “these will be meandering reflections about anything whatsoever—an opportunity for you to see what we’re thinking, reading, and watching these days. Think of it as the stories that we’d share with you if we happened to sit down and chat over coffee. Or think of them as the things that we wish would turn into a sermon, but never quite make it off the cutting room floor.”

Coffee Hour Highlights

Coffee hours are suspended until we are able to resume normal services.
St. Paul’s is looking for volunteers to take over the coordination of Coffee Hour starting in 2020. Continue reading for more.