St. Paul’s offers a wide range of adult formation (adult education and spiritual growth) opportunities for adults.
Sunday Morning: Please join us this Lent for Adult Sunday Adult Formation. The theme will be: Living Into Our Baptismal Promises. Each Sunday will focus on each of the the 5 areas of St. Paul’s Cares. Classes are from 10:15 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
March 1: Caring for Creation (Genesis 1:31)
Presenter: Sarah Ogletree NC Interfaith Power and Light
March 8: Working for Justice With All our Neighbors (Jeremiah 29:7)
Presenter: Devin Ross Lead Organizer with Orange County Justice United
The following sessions were originally scheduled for Lent but have been canceled due to the coronavirus outbreak. Continue to follow our website for updates and rescheduled events.
- Walking with our LGBTQ+ Siblings (Galatians 3:28) Presenter: Rev. Javier Almendarez Bautista
- Welcoming Immigrants, Refugees and Farmworkers (Leviticus 19:34) Presenter: St. Paul’s Refuge for Refugee Ministry
- Seeking Racial Reconciliation (2 Corinthains 5:16-20) Presenter: Rev. Javier Almendarez Bautista
Wednesday Evening: Our new 6-week Wednesday evening series, Meeting Jesus in the Gospel of John, begins April 22, 2020 from 7:00-8:00 p.m. in the youth wing. This series invites participants into deeper intimacy with God through learning from Jesus, his human friendships, and his teachings about the God he calls “Father.” Watch for more information.
Ongoing adult formation offerings: Click the links to find out more about each:
Centering Prayer
Education for Ministry
Ministry of Mothers Sharing (MOMS)
People of All Colors and Culture Together (PACCT)
Women’s Study Group
Julian Gathering
Would you like to be part of the planning? The Adult Formation Committee is happy to welcome new members. For more information, contact Gerri Batchelor,, 919-380-1285