Lessons and Carols will be presented on December 10 at 4:00 pm by the St. Paul’s Choir and Bells of St. Paul’s under the direction of Russell McKinney, Minister of Music and accompanied by Carol Yeargin, Organist and Harpsichordist. Soloists Olive McKrell, Jon Douglas, Emery Anderson, Linda McKinney (vocal and tenor and soprano recorders), and Emily Neuhauser are featured in music spanning four centuries. The music includes works by Thomas Ravenscroft, Ralph Vaughan Williams, John Ireland, Peter Warlock, and Russell McKinney. This evening service consists of nine readings from scripture (the Lessons) with music (the Carols) selected to reflect upon those readings. Along with Advent hymns for congregational singing, it is a lovely service wherein we are invited “to prepare ourselves again to hear the message of the Angels, and in heart and mind to go even unto Bethlehem.” The Reverend George Adamik officiates and St. Paul’s Lectors read the lessons. Please join us for the service as well as for a reception in the lobby afterwards provided by the Fellowship Events Team.