Pumpkin Carving Sunday is almost here! We are so excited for everyone to join us for some fabulous, festive, fall fun! So far we have 13 pots of Chili, but we can always use more! Please respond to this email and let me know if you are bringing chili. Remember, we give out prizes for the Spiciest, Most Unusual, Best Vegetarian and Best Overall! Children’s Ministries will provide onions, cheese, sour cream, bowls, spoons and corn chips. Just bring your yummy chili in a crock pot and deliver it to the Parish Hall by 5pm so you will be entered in the chili judging!
In addition to Chili, Children’s Ministries will provide hotdogs (veggie dogs too) and fixins’, chips and cookies and lemonade. If you aren’t bringing a pot of chili, please bring a non-chip, non-dessert side dish to share. Mac N Cheese, Pasta Salad, Veggies, Fruit, etc. are all welcome!
Children are encouraged to wear costumes-please know we don’t have a contest because, honestly, how could you pick a favorite? If your family wants to carve a pumpkin, please bring your pumpkin already de-seeded (leave the pulp and seeds at home) and bring your own carving tools. As Pumpkin Carving has gotten more and more fun, more families are choosing to skip the actual pumpkin carving-that is totally fine! Just come enjoy the fellowship, food, carnival and trunk or treat.
In addition to this indoor fun, the youth will put on a carnival and trunk or treat…and we have rented a giant inflatable slide for the children as well!
Here is the agenda for the evening
5:00pm Pumpkin Carving Begins, Chili Judging Begins and Buffet Line Opens
5:30pm We eat Chili and Chili winners announced
6:00pm Youth Carnival and Trunk or Treat Open
7:00pm Party’s over!
IF IT RAINS-we will still party…just with adjustments, so don’t let the rain keep you away!
Other Children’s News
- We are still collecting New Socks and Undies and gently used clothing for Note in the Pocket. Please place all donations in the bin outside the Choir Room.
- Christmas Pageant (Dec. 17, 9am) Participation Forms will be distributed in Sunday School this Sunday! Forms should be returned to Christine Ingram by 10am on Nov. 12. Thank you!
- The Children’s Little Brown Stewardship Basket is working toward our 2018 Note in the Pocket Sort Day, scheduled for June 3, 2018. So far we have collected $706.40 toward our goal of $3000.00.
- Sunday School continues Sunday at 10:10am in the Education Building. All are Welcome!
- Children’s Chapel for children age 3 through 2nd grade will be held Sunday at the 9am service. Immediately following the Collect children may follow the cross processional to the Youth Wing.
- Get your PJs ready! Next Sunday (11/5) we wear our PJs to church in honor of Daylight Savings Time changing!
Sunday School this Week: The Lesson is “All Saints’.”
Summary: A saint is a person who has found the presence of God in heaven. A saint is the ultimate example of the presence of Christ in human lives. Many saints are well known and are honored with special saints’ days in our Church calendar. You’ll find a list of these saints on pages 15-33 in the Calendar section of The Book of Common Prayer. Many more saints are unknown or overlooked, but are still saints of God. On All Saints’ Sunday, we remember and honor all of the holy ones of God, those of all ages and ways of life including those whose names are known only to God.
Episcopal Thread: On the Sunday closest to All Saints’ Day, Episcopal churches will ring out with the hymn “For all the saints, who from their labors rest” (Hymn 287, The Hymnal 1982, New York, NY: Church Publishing, 1985). All Saints’ Day is one of seven Principal Feasts observed in the Episcopal Church. The Prayer Book states that, though the seven feasts “take precedence of any other day or observance,” All Saints’ Day “may always be observed on the Sunday following November 1, in addition to its observance on the fixed date.” (BCP, p. 15)
Things to wonder with your children:
■■ What did we talk about today?
■■ What stories did we hear?
■■ What are we celebrating today?
Please let me know if you have any questions or comments about Children’s Ministries.
See you on Sunday!
Christine Owens Ingram, SPHR
Parish Administrator and Director of Children’s Ministries
Children’s Ministries 2017 Calendar
Oct. 29 | Pageant Forms Distributed/Pumpkin Carving/No Pre EYC/Note in the Pocket Drive |
Nov. 5 | PJ Service/Daylight Savings Ends/Note in the Pocket Drive Ends |
Nov. 11 | Pre-EYC Sort at Note in the Pocket |
Nov. 12 | Draw for Pageant Parts |
Nov. 19 | |
Nov. 26 | Craft and Cookie Coffee Hour/No SS |
Dec. 3 | |
Dec. 10 | St. Nicholas Sunday-Last Day of SS |
Dec. 15 | Christmas Pageant Rehearsal for speaking parts 6-8pm |
Dec. 16 | Christmas Pageant Rehearsal for all 9am-12noon |
Dec. 17 | Christmas Pageant 9am Service/No SS, No CC, No Pre-EYC/Coffee Hour |
Dec. 24 | Christmas Eve Service 4pm |
Dec. 25 | Christmas |
Dec. 31 | No SS/No CC/No Pre-EYC |