Worship. Serve. Grow.

What’s Happening in Children’s Ministries (Nov 5, 2017)

We made it to November and as you will see in this Sunday’s lesson, we are already preparing for Advent!  And, speaking of Advent, please be reminded that Christmas Pageant Participation Forms are available in the narthex, attached here: 2017 Pageant Forms, and are due back to me by Nov. 12 (next Sunday!) as we will be holding the drawing for speaking parts at 11am that day.  Please be sure to turn in your forms as soon as possible.

This Sunday, Nov. 5, is a very important Sunday for our Parish-it is Annual Meeting Sunday (and PJ Sunday, too).  Our Annual Meeting will be held at 10:15am in the Sanctuary.  I encourage each of you to attend!  We will be updating the Parish on many programs and plans and, most importantly, we will be electing a new class of vestry members.  Our vestry makes many important decisions and we appreciate the time and attention they give to each decision.  We have 5 candidates for 4 open positions-this year’s candidates include Kristen Walker (who won best vegetarian chili last Sunday!), Nicole Gatchalian (who almost won a chili prize last Sunday!), Mary Kintz, Rob Johnson and Gerri Batchelor.   You can read about the candidates here:  https://stpaulscary.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/2018-Class-Candidates-Alphabetical-by-Last-Name.pdf All Baptized and confirmed members of St. Paul’s can vote, so if you can attend, great-and if you can vote, please do so!

And, this Saturday, Nov. 4, is the Arts and Crafts Festival for Outreach from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. You’ll find artwork and handmade crafts from local artisans, including pottery, fiber art, glass, jewelry, hand-knit items, woodworking, yard art, and more.  Snacks and soups will also be available for purchase.  The Festival is held all over the St. Paul’s campus and is super fun-come eat and get started on your Christmas shopping!

Now for Children’s News…

  • Sunday is the last day we will be collecting new socks and undies and gently used children and adult clothing for Note in the Pocket.  I know many of us pulled out the winter clothes bins this week-please consider donating any of your children’s clothes that don’t fit…just yesterday my kids and I made a pile to donate!  Help us fill up the Note in the Pocket bin.  Pre-EYC will be delivering all donations to Note in the Pocket on Nov. 11.
  • The Children’s Little Brown Stewardship Basket is working toward our 2018 Note in the Pocket Sort Day, scheduled for June 3, 2018.  So far we have collected $739.40 toward our goal of $3000.00.
  • Sunday School continues Sunday at 10:10am in the Education Building.  All are Welcome!
  • Children’s Chapel for children age 3 through 2nd grade will be held Sunday at the 9am service.  Immediately following the Collect children may follow the cross processional to the Youth Wing.
  • Clergy Led Chapel for children in 3rd through 5th grade will be held Sunday at the 9am service.  Please meet Father Javier at the door to the courtyard.
  • Pre-EYC will volunteer at Note in the Pocket on November 11 from 9am to 11am.  Please watch your email for additional details.

Sunday School this Week:  The Lesson is “Isaiah Promises Peace And Salvation.”

Summary:  Isaiah 9:1-7 is the well-known passage in which the author foretells the righteous reign of the coming king: “For unto us a child has been born…” In Isaiah 61, the prophet tells how the deliverance will take place. This is the passage that Jesus quotes in the synagogue when he announces that he is the one to fulfill the prophecy: “He has sent me to bring good news to the oppressed…” Isaiah 11 describes the Peaceable Kingdom that will come about when the spirit of the Lord rests upon the one who comes out from the stump of Jesse. The Servant Songs describe the savior who will bring salvation, who will be a light to the nations even as he suffers for our sins. Finally, in Isaiah 40 we find a song of comfort to the people of Israel. This passage contains the lines “In the wilderness prepare the way of the Lord…”

Episcopal Thread: Isaiah’s writings touch the mystic side of Anglicanism, and so Isaiah is a beloved prophet and much quoted in lectionary readings, in The Book of Common Prayer and even in hymns. At the beginning of Holy Communion, the celebrant and people will always say or sing this hymn known as the Sanctus or “Holy, Holy”: Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, Heaven and earth are full of your glory. This is what one of the seraphim called to another in Isaiah 6, when Isaiah tells of his call by God. Quotes from Isaiah may be found in services of the

Daily Offices (Morning and Evening Prayer), where some of the passages form three canticles. Quotes also may be found in the readings at the Great Vigil of Easter and in burial services, where Isaiah sounds a note of hope and promise, liberation and healing for a hurting people.

Things to wonder with your children:

■■ Who did we talk about today?

■■ What happened to him?

■■ How was God present in the passages you heard today?

■■ What was God like?

Please let me know if you have any questions or comments about Children’s Ministries.

See you on Sunday!  And thanks for reading this long email.


Christine Owens Ingram, SPHR
Parish Administrator and Director of Children’s Ministries

Children’s Ministries 2017 Calendar

Nov. 5 PJ Service/Daylight Savings Ends/Note in the Pocket Drive Ends
Nov. 11 Pre-EYC Sort at Note in the Pocket
Nov. 12 Draw for Pageant Parts/Stewardship Celebration Brunch
Nov. 19
Nov. 26 Craft and Cookie Coffee Hour/No Sunday School
Dec. 3
Dec. 10 St. Nicholas Sunday-Last Day of Sunday School for 2017
Dec. 15 Christmas Pageant Rehearsal for speaking parts 6-8pm
Dec. 16 Christmas Pageant Rehearsal for all 9am-12noon
Dec. 17 Christmas Pageant 9am Service/No Sunday School, No Children’s Chapel, No Pre-EYC/Coffee Hour
Dec. 24 Advent 4 in the morning and Christmas Eve Services in the evening
Dec. 25 Christmas Day (10am Service)
Dec. 31 No Sunday School/No Children’s Chapel/No Pre-EYC