Worship. Serve. Grow.

Outreach (Page 32)

Blood Drive (May 21)

St. Paul’s Spring Blood Drive is Saturday, May 21 from 9:00 to 12:00. If you are at least 17 years of age, in good health, and weigh at least 110 pounds you are eligible and wanted!  You can save up to 3 lives with just one pint of blood!  IMPORTANT NOTE: In the past, we have…

Thanks for Hermano Day Donations

Thank you for your generous donations on ‘Hermano Day’, April 10.  The Episcopal Farmworker Ministry received 107 bags of clothing, bedding and food items (the most ever!).   $3155.00 in monetary donations were also received.  Father Tony Rojas will distribute the items and use the funds to help the farm laborers in the 47 labor…

Hermano (Farmworker) Day (Apr 10)

Sunday, April 10 is Hermano (Farmworker) Day.  St. Paul’s helps by donating work clothes and bedding and by offering financial support.  Juan Carabana, the Co-Director of the Episcopal Farmworker Ministry will be here to tell us about the work being done to help our farmworker brothers in Christ. Please bring your donations to church that day. Continue reading to see what donations are needed.

Help Build a House for Habitat (Apr 7-9)

April 7-9 is the second “St. Paul’s” weekend on the 2016 Episcopal Build at Crosstowne subdivision in Raleigh.  If you’ve been on the fence about volunteering, this is a perfect opportunity to get out and do some hands on outreach with your fellow parishioners.  No construction experience is required, and all tools are provided onsite, so…

Transportation Needed: Can You Help?

St. Paul’s has a longstanding tradition of providing transportation to those in need.  Care and Share helps with coordinating transportation to both appointments and Sunday Services.  Currently, we have need of transportation to and from the 9:00 am service. If you are able to help, please contact: Kittied45@gmail.com or melonie.wigley@att.net.