Worship. Serve. Grow.

Adults (Page 97)

Wear Orange Against Gun Violence (Jun 2)

In 2007, more pre-school-aged children were killed by guns than police officers were killed in the line of duty. The Wear Orange campaign began in 2013 to highlight the toll gun violence takes on our society by encouraging people to wear orange on June 2, National Gun Violence Awareness Day. See Please Note video from…

Announcements for Sunday, May 1

SEAMSTRESSES Needed!  We need help sewing banners and Altar cloths for church. If interested please call Jan Barbee at 919-274-8162. 30 Hour Famine: Our Youth group and Confirmation class participated in World Vision’s 30 Hour Famine this weekend. Thank you for your prayers and donations. We fasted for 30 hours, did activities and learning about hunger, participated in a service event at…

Grounds Beautification Workday (Apr 30)

Join your fellow parishioners on Saturday, April 30, 8:30 AM to spread mulch, prune plants, and tidy up the grounds of St. Paul’s. There will be a variety of jobs available – spreading mulch, weeding, pruning, and planting. Please bring a water bottle, gloves, rake, shovel, and wheelbarrow, if you have one. It is an extremely…

Cathy Deats named Eastern Regional Canon for NC Diocese

The Rev. Dr. Cathy Deats has been hired by Bishop Anne Hodges-Copple as the Regional Canon for the eastern region of The Diocese of North Carolina.  Cathy’s last day at St. Paul’s will be June 5, the day of St. Paul’s parish picnic. Congratulations! We will miss you, Cathy!  Read article from website of NC Diocese, April 27, 2016: The Rev. Dr. Cathy Deats Joins Diocesan Leadership Team as Regional Canon. Continue reading for more….

Announcements for Sunday, Apr 24

CELEBRATING THE MINISTRY OF THE REV. LOIS REARDIN:  We would like to invite parishioners to contribute towards a gift for Lois in recognition of her 17 years of ministry at St. Paul’s by writing a check to St. Paul’s and indicating “Gift for Lois” on the memo line.  We will continue to accept contributions through the month of April, and will make…

Announcements for Sunday, Apr 17

CELEBRATING THE MINISTRY OF THE REV. LOIS REARDIN:  We would like to invite parishioners to contribute towards a gift for Lois in recognition of her 17 years of ministry at St. Paul’s by writing a check to St. Paul’s and indicating “Gift for Lois” on the memo line.  We will continue to accept contributions through the month of April, and will make…

Announcements for Sunday, Apr 10

HERMANO DAY:  Today is “Hermano Day” at St. Paul’s.  Please welcome Juan Carabana, the Co-Director of the Episcopal Farmworker Ministry.  He is here to tell us about the work of the ministry as well as collect our donations.  If you would like to make a monetary contribution to the ministry, please make your checks out to the Episcopal Farmworker Ministry.  Thank you!…

Announcements for Sunday, Apr 3

CELEBRATE THE MINISTRY OF THE REV. LOIS REARDIN: Today we celebrate the ministry of the Rev. Lois Reardin at a special coffee hour in her honor. We would also like to invite parishioners to contribute towards a gift for Lois as recognition of her 17 years of priestly ministry at St. Paul’s. If you would like to contribute towards this gift, please…

What’s all the Digging?

You may have noticed some trenches being dug along the south side of the church property, and leading behind the church to the Kids Club and Chapel. New water supply pipes to the Kids Club and Chapel have been installed to replace old pipes that had corroded. Contnue reading for pictures