Worship. Serve. Grow.

Announcements for Sunday, May 1

SEAMSTRESSES Needed!  We need help sewing banners and Altar cloths for church. If interested please call Jan Barbee at 919-274-8162.

30 Hour Famine: Our Youth group and Confirmation class participated in World Vision’s 30 Hour Famine this weekend. Thank you for your prayers and donations. We fasted for 30 hours, did activities and learning about hunger, participated in a service event at Brown Bag Ministry, and had a lock in Friday night. It was not easy to go without food that long, but it was easier to do it together. You can still help us reach our fundraising goal but making a donation at church or online at http://youth.worldvision.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.team&teamID=14264.

INTERFAITH ADULT EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY: Panel Discussion Around Abrahamic Table, Sunday May 1, 3 pm.  Three monotheistic faiths (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) accept Abraham as the father of all nations.  Acknowledging the importance of interfaith dialogue, the Institute of Islamic and Turkish Studies invites all to attend the first in a panel discussion program that brings together community leaders and clergy from the three Abrahamic faiths to engage in a dialogue about commonalities and common issues.  The focus of the May 1 event is “Faith and Psychology.”  The Institute of Islamic and Turkish Studies is located at 1391 SE Maynard Rd, Cary.  More information is available at iitsnc.org.

NEWCOMER CLASS: There will be a Newcomer class for all who are interested in learning about St. Paul’s.  It will meet on Tuesday evening May 3, in the youth wing, 7:00 p.m.  The classes will be led by Father George, while other clergy and ministry leaders will come in to share information about opportunities in which to participate.  For information, contact Frank and Anne Laney, annewlaney@gmail.com or 919-460-0835.

ADULT EDUCATION FORUMS:  Today in the Chapel between the 9:00 and 11:15 services a film in the NOOMA series will be shown, followed by a discussion period. From the NOOMA series overview:  “Jesus encouraged his listeners to search, to question, to wrestle with the implications of what he was saying and doing.  He inspired, challenged, provoked, comforted, and invited people to be open to God’s work in this world.  Wherever he went, Jesus started discussions about what matters most.”  These films offer an invitation to us to search, question, and join the discussion.  All are welcome to attend.

COFFEE HOUR MINISTRY HIGHLIGHTS:  In honor of children’s Communion, there is a special coffee hour in the parish hall following the 9:00 service today. It is hosted by the Youth Committee and the Fellowship Events Team. Please stop by to enjoy coffee and refreshments and to celebrate this joyous occasion.

Next week join the Fellowship Events Team for a delicious Strawberry and Ice Cream Social in the parish hall during coffee hour. This event is one of the many parish gatherings throughout the year that the Fellowship Events Committee offers for fun and fellowship.

PRAYER LIST RENEWAL: We ask that those who have requested friends and loved ones be included on the prayer list, email the office at Melanie.Fairbrother@stpaulscary.org or call the office at 919-467-1477 extension 10, to renew the request. Please contact Melanie by Monday, May 9 to renew your request. Call or email anytime to remove a name. Please do not assume that we know the name should be renewed.

TRANSPORTATION NEEDS: St. Paul’s has a longstanding tradition of providing transportation to those in need.  Care and Share helps with coordinating transportation to both appointments and Sunday Services.  Currently, we have need of transportation to and from the 9:00 am service.  If you are able to help, please contact: Kittied45@gmail.com or melonie.wigley@att.net

PHYSICIANS, NURSES, EMS RESPONDERS:  Our Clergy requests knowing medical persons who would be willing to respond to apparent medical emergencies on Sundays, only during church services and adult ed. offerings.  If you are willing to respond, please send your name and the time of the church service you normally attend to Margie Best at mwbest@bellsouth.net.  The ushers will be given the list of names so that they know who to enlist help from in a need.  Thank you.

ASP Spring Chore Day:  The youth who are attending this year’s Appalachia Service Project trip to Tennessee are ready to tackle your spring projects!  We have designated Saturday, May 7th as our Spring Chore Day, from 8:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon.  Our crews of youth and adults are ready to complete any jobs needed such as weeding, mulch, window cleaning, car washing, and general yard cleanup.  We bring tools and supplies, hoping to help you check something off of your list.  If you are interested in having a team assigned to your home, please contact Stephanie and Brad Hirschy at shirschy@yahoo.com or 919-234-2923.  We will contact you to schedule a time and review additional details.  Your support of St. Paul’s youth and their annual participation with the Appalachia Service Project is greatly appreciated.

PLEASE SAVE THE DATE, MAY 15th: We have opportunity to help plant “seeds” in the children by helping them to pack meals for stop hunger now.  Donations to support this event will be welcomed (if we surpass the goal, funds will be carried over to the next SHN event) – donations can be made at our registration link.  To register, go to http://events.stophungernow.org/stpaulscary and please note “adult helper” where the registration indicates “affiliation”–this helps us separate the adult helpers from the children and their parents.  If you have any questions, please contact Glenda Swann at swann.glenda@gmail.com or Christine Ingram at christine.ingram@stpaulscary.org.

 George and Cathy: A Picnic Contest:  Rev. George and Dr. Cathy are having a contest for the picnic!  Picnic Sunday is June 5, 2016 (it is George’s birthday, too).  The contest is collecting donations for either George or Cathy.  The priest with the most donations collected by May 28 will have to wear either Red Sox gear (for George who doesn’t like the Red Sox) or Patriots Gear (for Cathy who REALLY doesn’t like the Patriots).  All funds collected go to the ministries and missions of St. Paul’s.  Donations are collected in jars in the parish hall each Sunday during coffee hour…find the table with the balloons and gear.  So far George has collected $91, and Cathy has collected $100.  In the case of a tie on picnic Sunday, BOTH priests will wear their gear!

DORCAS:  TP Collection Reminder:  On Sun May 8, we will have our 2nd toilet paper collection for Dorcas Ministry Food Pantry during coffee hour.  Our goal is 200 rolls to supply half the need required to provide 1 roll a month per family member permitted to shop at the Dorcas Food Pantry.  Look for the bins labeled “Toilet Paper for Dorcas”.

PRESCHOOL:  Summer Fun!  Please join St. Paul’s Preschool at Summer Fun Camp.  Week 1 will be Tuesday, May 31st – Friday, June 3rd, and Week 2 will be held Monday, June 6th – Thursday, June 9th from 9:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.  Summer Fun Camp is for children 2- 6 years old.  Applications and information can be found on the Preschool page of the website.

OUR spring blood drive is almost here!  It will be Saturday, May 21 from 9:00 a.m.-12:00 noon.  If you are at least 17 years of age, in good health, and weigh at least 110 pounds, you are eligible and wanted!  You can save up to 3 lives with just one pint of blood!  Let’s make this the best blood drive yet!  Please sign up at http://www2.mysignup.com/cgi-bin/view.cgi?datafile=stpaul.  Any questions, please contact Lisa Walt at lisa.walt@yahoo.com.

Arts & Crafts Festival for Outreach is scheduled for Saturday, November 12, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and we need you!  We need help to make this year’s event a success.  The festival committee needs two more committee members, one to take charge of publicity, and one for a new position that we’re calling facilities coordinator.  It’s a fun event, for a very good cause, and we have a great group, but we’re looking for more wonderful volunteers.  For full information, please contact Sally Moller, at sbm2@nc.rr.com.

FAITH ON TAP:  Join your fellow parishioners, both men and women, in sampling local establishments with more than 10 taps.  The next outing will be Saturday, May 21, at 7:30 p.m. at Tyler’s Tap Room, 1483 Beaver Creek Commons Drive, Apex, NC 27502.  Please contact Tyrus Cohan (228) 223-4558 or tcohan0117@gmail.com with any questions.

Children’s Ministries

  • Children’s Chapel will be held at the 9am and 11:15am services today.  These sessions are for children ages 3 through 2nd grade. Please follow the children’s cross processional to the youth wing.
  • Our Communion Celebration will be held today during the 9am worship service, accompanied by a festive coffee hour in the Parish Hall following the service.  Please join us in congratulating the following children in their completion of communion classes:  Avery Amos, Sam Bowersox, Ethan Buchanan, Christopher Catton, Nicholas Cestra, Grayson “Yan” Day, William “Wei” Day, Charlotte Fusco, Alex Gatchalian, Evelyn Gates, Payton Jarrell, Fiona Jernigan, Addison Keiswetter, Chloe Keiswetter, Angeline Lancia, Jonas Lisson, Paige Lisson, Brendan McGinley, Katelyn Olson, Matthew Olson, William Palmer, Ryan Prudich, Zachary Prudich, Jackson Spencer, Melia Stone, Noah Tally, Kaitlin Villano, Ella Woodson, Jante Yekeson, Nancee Yekeson, Cadence Zaccardi and Lily Zaccardi.
  • Please contribute to the Children’s Stewardship Basket as the children continue their collection toward our $2944 goal that will sponsor a children’s Stop Hunger Now Day on May 15, 2016. To date we have collected $2742.13. We are so close to our goal!!!  All participant spots for our Stop Hunger Now Day are filled, but please contact Christine Ingram to be placed on the participant wait list.
  • Heroes and Villains Vacation Bible School participant and volunteer registration forms are available in the Narthex and the Ed. Bldg. Please join us for the daytime or evening sessions June 20-24, 2016.  Forms are due May 15.
  • Today is the last Sunday of Sunday School. Please be sure to thank your teachers for their time and talents this year!!!


  • Sunday School: The lesson today is entitled “Finding God in Silence: God’s Still, Small Voice.” Middle School meets in the Youth Wing (go straight there, snacks are provided) and High School meets in Room 10.
  • Confirmation: This is the last class! It will meet at the Center for Hope and Healing during the Education Hour. Rev. Carr will lead a class on Episcopal Ethics.
  • EYC Today 5-7 pm: Regular EYC & Acolyte Training. Come for an evening of fun and fellowship: we’ll have acolyte training and then play some games of Scatterball or Capture the Flag, so be ready to run and play. Dinner is served!