Worship. Serve. Grow.

Posts from 2020 (Page 21)

Hope for the Journey: Meditations from George and Javier

Introducing Hope for the Journey, a series of meditations by Fr. George and Fr. Javier: “these will be meandering reflections about anything whatsoever—an opportunity for you to see what we’re thinking, reading, and watching these days. Think of it as the stories that we’d share with you if we happened to sit down and chat over coffee. Or think of them as the things that we wish would turn into a sermon, but never quite make it off the cutting room floor.”

Coffee Hour Highlights

Coffee hours are suspended until we are able to resume normal services.
St. Paul’s is looking for volunteers to take over the coordination of Coffee Hour starting in 2020. Continue reading for more.

Lenten Book Read 2020

All face-to-face meetings have been suspended temporarily.
You are invited to join us for the Diocesan Wide Lenten Book Read. We will be one of many congregations of the Diocese reading Howard Thurman’s book, Jesus and The Disinherited. The Rev. Howard Thurman (1899-1981) was a minister, educator, theologian and civil rights leader.  There will be two classes available in March: Tuesday mornings and Wednesday evenings.  Continue reading for more and to sign up.