Worship. Serve. Grow.

Posts from 2016 (Page 19)

Learn About the Go Do Ministry

To help us learn more about St. Paul’s local community outreach projects, Julia Magee told us about the Go Do Ministry on Sunday, May 22, 2016.  Hear Julia’s announcement HERE.  For more information, contact Kevin Swann, swann.kev@gmail.com, 919-607-5913.

30 Hour Famine (Apr 29-30, 2016)

Our youth group and confirmation class is going hungry on April 29 and 30 to help save kids’ lives. Every $35 we raise can help feed and care for a child for month!  Make a donation! Sponsor a youth!  Continue reading for details….

Announcements for Sunday, May 1

SEAMSTRESSES Needed!  We need help sewing banners and Altar cloths for church. If interested please call Jan Barbee at 919-274-8162. 30 Hour Famine: Our Youth group and Confirmation class participated in World Vision’s 30 Hour Famine this weekend. Thank you for your prayers and donations. We fasted for 30 hours, did activities and learning about hunger, participated in a service event at…

Grounds Beautification Workday (Apr 30)

Join your fellow parishioners on Saturday, April 30, 8:30 AM to spread mulch, prune plants, and tidy up the grounds of St. Paul’s. There will be a variety of jobs available – spreading mulch, weeding, pruning, and planting. Please bring a water bottle, gloves, rake, shovel, and wheelbarrow, if you have one. It is an extremely…

Cathy Deats named Eastern Regional Canon for NC Diocese

The Rev. Dr. Cathy Deats has been hired by Bishop Anne Hodges-Copple as the Regional Canon for the eastern region of The Diocese of North Carolina.  Cathy’s last day at St. Paul’s will be June 5, the day of St. Paul’s parish picnic. Congratulations! We will miss you, Cathy!  Read article from website of NC Diocese, April 27, 2016: The Rev. Dr. Cathy Deats Joins Diocesan Leadership Team as Regional Canon. Continue reading for more….

Parish Picnic (Jun 5)

The Parish Picnic is Sunday, June 5, following a special 10:00 AM service (there are only two services on June 5: 7:30 and 10:00 AM). Wear casual clothes and enjoy great food and fellowship! CHILDREN: we will have a giant waterslide! So wear your bathing suit under your clothes for church, then bring your towel and have a blast!  The Men’s…

Announcements for Sunday, Apr 24

CELEBRATING THE MINISTRY OF THE REV. LOIS REARDIN:  We would like to invite parishioners to contribute towards a gift for Lois in recognition of her 17 years of ministry at St. Paul’s by writing a check to St. Paul’s and indicating “Gift for Lois” on the memo line.  We will continue to accept contributions through the month of April, and will make…