Worship. Serve. Grow.

Youth News (week of Jun 4, 2017)

It’s a big Sunday for us this week – Youth Sunday! It’s a chance to be in charge of worship – everything from ushering, to singing, to preaching, to making announcements. Believe it or not, a lot of parishioners aren’t really aware of who we are or what we do in Youth Ministry, so this is a wonderful opportunity to share our gifts with everyone. Please sign up to help: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/20f0d49afaa2fa7fb6-youth2. If all the slots are full for what you want to do, email me and I’ll see what I can work out. I know we REALLY need choir members. The songs are the usual, plus two listed below. Come join in the singing fun!

Here are our summer plans:


 6/4         Youth Sunday 9:00 Service: The sign up is above. We really need more choir members. The songs we are singing during the Offertory are “We are One in the Spirit” (also known as “They Will Know We Are Christians By Our Love”) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEwb51LawAI – music & lyrics, https://musescore.com/user/2509466/scores/2281681 – sheet music and “In Christ There Is No East or West” – #529 in our hymnal, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=apF7NpipgOY – music & lyrics, http://hymnary.org/hymn/EH1982/529 – sheet music.

6/4         No EYC: Due to a pool scheduling conflict, we have had to move the pool party to next week, 6/11. See details below.

6/11       EYC 4-6 pm: Pool Party!  We will celebrate the end-of-the-year with a pool party at Cary swim Club (808 Tanglewood Dr., Cary). Parents, please complete a waiver for your youth (http://www.caryswimclub.org/uploads/3/8/8/6/38860309/child_waiver.pdf). Check your youth in with Leah and come back inside the pool for pickup. It will be a relaxing evening of swimming, games, food, and fellowship – and always fun! Note the change in EYC time.

6/16-19  Middle School Mission Trip: The Middle School youth will be traveling to the EFwM again this year. It will be a rich experience full of fun, fellowship, learning, and service. The cost is $100.00 which covers meals, transportation, and a day trip to Wrightsville Beach. The registration form and $25.00 non-refundable deposit is due by June 4th. The form can be found at https://goo.gl/Vi36Kb. If you have any questions, contact me.

6/25-7/1     ASP: This is our annual trip to the Appalachia region to repair homes. There are 2 youth spaces available if you can go. It’s fun and so worthwhile!


7/10-14       Vacation Bible School: There are LOTS of areas you can help with: age groups counselors, center volunteers (Science, Music, Games, Crafts, or Snacks) and decorations. The hours are 9 am – 12 pm. It’s a lot of fun and the VBS kids LOVE to have youth working with them. Contact Leah to sign up.

7/12            VBS Youth Lunch: Youth volunteers will meet for lunch together after VBS on Wednesday, 7/12 in the Youth Wing. Bring your lunch and drink (I will provide a dessert) and come fellowship with your fellow VBS youth co-workers.

7/16            Shake it Up Sunday: Come for milkshakes and fun. (6-8 pm)

7/25-28     Province Youth Event (PYE) – Humble Yourself: This is a Diocesan event for middle and high School Students in our Province. This year we will assist with the continued clean up and home repair in the aftermath from Hurricane Matthew in Lumberton, NC. We will also be learning about the Lumbee Indians in the area.  The cost is $150 and registration can be found at http://www.dionc.org/digital_faith/events/3172243.


 8/6           Playground Parables: We are helping to teach the parable of the Road to Emmaus on the playground for the children of St. Paul’s. There will be more information closer to the date. Also, there will be popsicles!

8/6         Shake it Up Sunday: Again, come for milkshakes and fun. (6-8 pm)

I hope to see you for our special Youth Sunday this coming Sunday.


Leah Dail
Youth Program Coordinator