Dear Parents and Youth,
If not now, when?
Care a little more.
Show up.
Embrace possibility.
Tell the truth.
Dive deeper.
Seek the truth behind the story.
Ask the difficult question.
Lend a hand.
Seth Godin
Seth’s Blog, 11/8/16
I subscribe to a lot of blogs, both at work and at home. It’s an easy way to stay in touch with a wide range of authors/opinions/topics. I say easy because I have lots of different things sent to me to read that I don’t have to hunt down and if I don’t have the time or inclination to spend time with it – delete. One blog I read pretty much every day, is Seth Godin’s. He’s a writer, entrepreneur, and public speaker. I find his short essays thought provoking and full of truisms. He is a great write and puts ideas in unique and creative ways.
Seth’s tag line is “Go. Make something happen.” Didn’t Jesus tell us that too? That is my prayer for the youth of St. Paul’s: that they have authentic experiences with each and in/for the world by going, by doing, by loving. We learn how to do that from our traditions, from scripture, and from reason. Reading talented, smart writers like Seth Godin helps me develop my reasoning skills. I hope you all have those people too.
Here the youth news for the week:
- Regular Events
- Sunday School: The lesson Sunday is entitled “Setting Priorities: Temple of the Living God.” Middle School meets in the Youth Wing (go straight there, snacks are provided) and High School meets in Room 10.
- EYC Sunday 5-6 pm: We will pick up Souper Bowl food donations from the surrounding neighborhood. Wear comfortable shoes and warm clothes and bring food donations for Urban Ministries. Please note the change in time. There will be no dinner served – you get to leave early to get to your Super Bowl parties!
- Murder Mystery Play Rehearsal Sunday 3-5 pm: We’ll meet in the Parish Hall to rehearse. Bring your script.
- Upcoming Events
- Bishop’s Ball 2/17-19: Registration is already open and the spots will fill up, so go ahead and sign up now: This is a wonderful Diocesan event with workshops, games, music, a Stop Hunger Now service project, and the big dance. All our Bishops, plus the candidates for Bishop (including our Father George!!) will be there. Scholarships are available. Please don’t miss this event!
- Extras
- Meal Signups:
I hope to see you Sunday for Formation classes and Souper Bowl food pickup!
Leah Dail
Youth Program Coordinator
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church