Thank you to everyone who came out last Sunday to deliver the flyers for our annual Souper Bowl food collection. It was cold and wet, but everyone was a trooper. Thank you too for your patience with our IHOP trip. I apologize for the reeaalllyy long wait. Youth and parents alike behaved very well and were very gracious in dealing with a longer-than-expected EYC. At least the pancakes were good!
I hope all of you can come back Sunday to go back around the neighborhood to pick up the donations. We only meet from 4-5 Sunday, so you can get home for the Super Bowl. Dress for the weather again. And the faster we get the food, the more time we will have for Scatterball. I will need 4 drivers to go with the kids to pick up the food. Can any of you help?
There’s still more going on, so check out the events below:
YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS: !!!Action Required ***Time Sensitive
Regular Events
- Sunday School 10:15-11 am: The lesson Sunday is entitled “Peace & Justice – Environmental Issues: Saving for Later.” Middle School meets in the Youth Wing (go straight there, snacks are provided) and High School meets in Room 10.
- Murder Mystery Rehearsal: 3:30-5 pm Sunday. Please note the change in time.
- EYC Sunday 4-5 Souper Bowl Food Pickup: Please note the change in time. Dress for being outside and running!
Upcoming Dates
- !!! Becoming the Beloved Community Beginning Sunday 2/18: Church of the Nativity in Raleigh will be hosting a series of programs focusing on Racial Justice and Reconciliation. The series will begin with “Tired Souls: The Montgomery County Bus Boycott,” a performance by award-winning playwright and actor Mike Wiley, followed by a workshop lead by Mike. Then on each Wednesday evening through Lent, Nativity will host a 1 ½ hour program on various topics on this theme. More details about the Wednesday evening programs can be found at RSVP’s are needed (–ehWFowaQ/viewform?c=0&w=1). I am going, so contact me for carpooling if you or your youth want to attend. The Mike Wiley performance will be phenomenal
- !!! Bishop’s Ball February 23-25: This Diocesan event is full of awesome activities and workshops – and the Bishops are there. There is a formal dinner, followed by a celebration Eucharist and dance with a DJ Saturday night. Most participants dress up for Saturday evening’s festivities. The cost is $100 and scholarships are available. Register online: This is an amazing event!
See you Sunday.
Leah Dail
Youth Program Coordinator