St. Paul’s Memorial Garden is in need of expansion. The Memorial Garden is a sacred place in the heart of our church, a place where the ashes of saints who walked among us rest in peace. As the popularity of this space has grown, we have come to realize that we need to expand the number of niches in our columbarium to ensure we can accommodate future needs. This expansion will add 90 niches to the large columbarium wall. The structure is already in place, and this will add niches to the left and right spaces within the structure (see the photo). Follow this link to the Memorial Garden page if you’d like to learn more.
The Memorial Garden Fund does not receive funding from the church budget. Instead, the only source of funding is donations and contract fees. The approximate cost of the niche expansion is $30,000; we have already received nearly $24,000 in donations, as of May 5, 2023.
Would you consider making a donation in memory of a loved one to the Columbarium expansion project? Please help us grow this caring ministry for the future. A dedication ceremony program will include the names of loved ones whom you would like to memorialize.
- Donations can be made by check to St. Paul’s Church, indicating Memorial Garden Fund in the memo line, and should be received by May 15, 2023.
- Please include a note with your check, letting us know the name of your loved one for the memorial gift.
Questions? Please contact Jackie Straub,