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'From the Clergy' Tagged Posts (Page 13)

A Great Cloud of Witnesses Among Us

This week in the Hope for the Journey series, Fr. Javier reflects on All Saints’ Day and what we have been up to over the past few months: “Despite setbacks, we are grateful for the ways that we remain connected to one another. As our baptismal covenant reminds us, we plan to “continue in the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in the prayers”—supporting one another as we navigate these troubled, uncertain times.”

Contemplating and Admiring What Is Not Yours

This week in the Hope for the Journey series, Fr. Javier reflects on our relationship to the stranger: “what if you approached those deemed strange and unfamiliar with the same kind of “admiration and contemplation” that the person living in exile has to muster? What if you met the stranger with that kind of curiosity—the kind that assumes that your survival depends on learning their ways, not the other way around?”