Worship. Serve. Grow.

Sermons (Page 11)

A Heart at Peace!

Whether by terrorist attack, through prejudice and discrimination against a minority group, in our political campaigns, or in our personal relationships, the violence and mistreatment we perpetuate on each other arise first from the inner violence that poisons and fragments the human heart.  We need a change of heart.  We need a heart at peace.

The Point of No Return

On the Seventh Sunday of Easter, Fr. Javier reflects on Jesus’ prayer in John 17: “Having loved his own, the gospel reads, he loved them to the end… Death, you see, is not the thing that propels Jesus forward. Violence is not the singularity that redeems his work—rather, it is love that redeems. It is love that…

New Seasons

This morning Zack dives into the way in which Jesus provides a foundation for us as we enter new seasons of life, and how Saint Paul’s has become the home for so many as they navigate their new seasons.