Worship. Serve. Grow.

Sermons from 2015 (Page 2)

All Saints Day 2015

John 11:32-44
The year after I finished college I lived in London. And there I worshiped in a parish called All-Saints on Margaret Street. My prior worship had been shaped by a rather dark, moon-like ornamented church in Greensboro, NC….

Questioned by God

Job 42:1-6, 10-17, Mark 10:46-52
Remember what it’s like to walk into a conversation halfway? It can be far more interesting than the whole conversation. “If I could just throttle his neck.” “She seems to be all over him.” “You lie, your feet smell, and you don’t love your Jesus.”…

Let Go

Mark 10:17-31
I’m very much drawn to this man in the gospel reading this morning. Oftentimes this gospel reading is referred to as “the story of the rich man.” I don’t like when I’m told ahead of time what the story is about because it’s difficult to really hear it…

Go to the Periphery

It’s hard to have watched any news this past week without hearing about the visit of Pope Francis to the United States, and some of the powerful thoughts that he has been sharing. I want to reference that in my thoughts this morning…

You’re Welcome

Mark 9:30-37
I’d like to start off with a question this morning, and that’s this: if you want to express gratitude for something, what do you most often say? I hope, “thank you,” right? …

Who Do You Say that I Am?

Mark 8:27-38
I am a great fan of the cartoons in the New Yorker magazine. One of my favorites that I often refer to is a scene where a woman is talking to somebody and she says, “Well, enough about me. Let’s talk about you. So what do you think about me?”…

Sparring with God

Mark 7:24-37
Sparring is a big part of sports training. Sparring is the way students of a sport practice with each other so that they can learn new skills. It’s usually very well monitored when students are sparring…


Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23
Brenda is a priest that I know who is the rector of a large Episcopal church in Manhattan. I got to know Brenda when I was in my former parish in the Diocese of New York…