Worship. Serve. Grow.

Sermons by The Rev. George Adamik (Page 7)

To the Margins

The Rev. George Adamik reflects on Matthew 9:35-10:23: “When Jesus invites his followers to come to the margins, people are healed, but something else happens… We don’t go to the margins of our society to make a difference; we go to the margins of our society so that we are made different.”

The Ascension (2020)

The Rev. George Adamik celebrates the Feast of the Ascension (Acts 1:1-11): “Sometimes, it’s easier to look up at the sky than it is to do what Jesus did: to look at each other. To look into the eyes of each other. During this pandemic, this Feast of the Ascension can be a powerful message for us.”

New Life for All

On the Second Sunday of Easter, the Rev. George Adamik shares insights on Jesus’s appearance to his disciples (John 20:19-31), Christ’s surprising message of forgiveness and new life, and the depiction of the Resurrection in Eastern icons.

Move Forward (Easter 2020)

On Easter Day, the Rev. George Adamik reflects on a phrase that resonates with so many of us right now: “I just want to get back to normal again.” Instead, “Easter invites us to something quite different. As we gather today, I’d like to propose during this Easter season, as we still walk in the midst of this pandemic, that we see our call as something different. Not something that we’re called to go back to again, but something we’re called to lean forward into.”