Worship. Serve. Grow.

News (Page 163)

News from St. Paul’s

Our community at St. Paul’s is constantly bustling with activity. Whatever your interests, there’s an opportunity to get involved.

Parish Updates

St. Paul’s Weekly Update is a weekly email sent to parishioners and those on a subscription list.  Click here to subscribe to the Weekly Update, including other ministry lists, such as youth and children’s programming updates.

For more communications-related resources about St. Paul’s, you can go to the Resources page.

Why We Chose St. Paul’s Memorial Garden

Andy and I are marking a milestone year as we celebrate 25 years since our wedding in the Chapel at St. Paul’s.  Neither one of us had ever put down roots so deeply before we stumbled upon St. Paul’s, and I can honestly say we did not do it purposefully – our life just “happened” here.  Continue reading….

Adult Formation (week of Feb 5, 2017)

Sunday classes continue on February 5, 2017, in the Chapel, from 10:15 to 11:00.  Join join Andrew Zawierucha for a continuation of the series of classes on “The Prophetic Voices of Scripture.”  Wednesday evening Adult Formation continues February 8, 2017 , in the Youth Wing from 7:00-8:00 PM. Led by the Rev. J. Carr Holland, this class is entitled, “The Prophets.”   Continue reading for details.