MOMS COLLEGE CONVERSATION – SECOND SEMESTER: Calling mothers of high school juniors and seniors and college freshmen. With the second semester about to begin are you dealing with junior burnout or senioritis? Did your college freshman come home for winter break having forgotten how to call if he wasn’t going to make dinner or if she was going to be out late?
Then please join us for MOMS College Conversation, a place for informal discussion where Moms in the process can connect, and Moms who have “been there, done that” can offer reassurance that all of it is survivable.
Unlike previous MOMS classes, there is no structured curriculum for MOMS CC and no weekly commitment. It’s just a chance to come together and support one another through the stresses of college admissions and our young people’s first year away from home. You need not have participated in previous MOMS classes to take part in MOMS CC but you should have or have had a high school junior or senior or a college freshman. And feel free to join us if you did not participate during the fall semester. We’ll gather for the first time in 2017 on Tuesday, January 17 at 7:00 p.m. in the Chapel. Email with questions.
“RACIAL TABOO”: Movie Showing and Follow Up Book Discussion – St. Paul’s has been invited to join other Cary churches for food, fellowship, and deep discussion around the movie Racial Taboo. St. Francis United Methodist Church hosts the event on Sunday, January 15 from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m.
As a follow-up to this opportunity, St. Paul’s parishioners are invited to consider race through the lens of incarceration as part of a five-week book study. We will read one or two chapters each week of The New Jim Crow, and then discuss it together over a shared meal. Participation will be limited to 15 people to allow for the depth of discussion that this complex, sensitive, and timely subject requires. Join us the weeks of January 22 through February 19 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. in the Curry Center for a facilitated discussion led by Father Javier. People of All Colors and Cultures Together and the Outreach Committee are co-sponsors. For more information, contact Andrea Johnson,, or Aleta McClenney, Sign up to participate on the St. Paul’s website.
The Newcomer Ministry is hosting Coffee Hour in the Parish Hall following the 9:00 service today. Come join them for food and refreshments and to find out more about this important ministry of welcome. There are opportunities for greeters, bread bakers and deliverers, and telephone callers.
Next week there will be a Parish Update in the church following the 9:00 service. There will not be a formal Coffee Hour in the Parish Hall, but coffee will be served by the Vestry in the narthex before the meeting.
ADULT FORMATION: All are welcome to join the Javier Almendárez Bautista today in the Chapel from 10:15 – 11:00 for a class entitled “the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the Old Testament”. Coffee is available in the Chapel narthex before class.
Next Sunday’s class, led by the Rev. J. Carr Holland III, is the first in a series of classes on “The Prophetic Voices of Scripture”.
WEDNESDAY EVENING ADULT: Many people experience scripture piece meal, a bit here and a bit there. That’s how we receive it if our primary experience of the Bible comes from worship Sunday by Sunday. How might our insight change if we had a basic overview that let us comprehend how it all fits together over the long narrative of time? That is what we will encounter over the next six Wednesdays, January 18 through February 15, from 7:00-8:00 p.m. We will focus on the Old Testament these weeks and move to the New Testament in late Spring. The Rev. J Carr Holland III will lead the first class on “The Bible from Scratch: Old Testament”. The first class will be Jan. 18, entitled “Books of the Law, Narratives of Genesis.” All classes are held in the Youth Wing, 7 – 8:00 pm. There is no registration for these classes.
2017 PLEDGES STILL “WELCOME”: If you forgot to pledge, it is not too late, and your pledge is needed! Pledge cards are available in the Narthex and may be returned in the offertory plates or to Christine Ingram in the church office. Please consider sharing your gifts to help St. Paul’s support its many ministries and goals in 2017.
- The 2016-2017 Children’s Collection Basket is collecting funds to host a Note in the Pocket Sort Day on June 4, 2017. So far we have collected $990.69 toward our $3000.00 goal.
- Children’s Chapel will be held at the 9:00 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. services this Sunday. Children ages 3 through 2nd grade are invited to follow the children’s cross processional to the Youth Wing. Children will return to the Sanctuary during the Peace.
- Sunday School resumes Sunday in the Education Building at 10:10am. Looking forward to seeing everyone…it is never too late to join Sunday School!
- Mark your calendar for our annual Teddy Bear Tea on Saturday, Feb. 4 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon in the Parish Hall. This event is most appropriate for children ages birth through 2nd grade. Parents/Guardians should accompany all attendees.
- Sunday School: The lesson today is entitled “Setting Priorities: A Time For Everything.” Middle School meets in the Youth Wing (go straight there, snacks are provided) and High School meets in Room 10.
- Murder Mystery Play Rehearsal Today 4-5 pm: It’s time to start getting ready for our 2/11 performance. If you are in high school and want to take part, please come for this first meeting.
- EYC Tonight 5-7 pm: It’s been a while since we’ve been together, so tonight is a chance to catch up, talk about some current events, play some games, and break bread together. We’ll also talk about the spring schedule and all the awesome things God has in store for us!