Worship. Serve. Grow.

Joining Our Community

Everyone who attends St. Paul’s is welcome to participate fully in all of the activities of our parish life including fellowship, education and ministry work. We encourage all visitors and participants to register their contact information with the office, using the newcomer form in the sidebar. Signing up for our weekly email update helps keep you informed of all that is going on.

Engaging with one of our ministries, participating in adult formation programs, having children attend Sunday School, and becoming regular donors are ways that many people make connections here. We offer a tour for newcomers on the third Sunday of each month at 10:15 a.m., a time for casual conversation as you learn more about our campus and people. Our Community Connector, Mary Kintz, is available to speak with you about programs and ministries that might interest you here as well.

All those who have already partaken in the sacrament of baptism, whether in an Episcopal church or another Christian denomination, are eligible to be members of The Episcopal Church. If you are an Episcopalian coming from another congregation, you may also transfer your membership. Contact the office at 919-467-1477 or stpauls@stpaulscary.org to register your baptism or transfer.

Confirmation is not a requirement for membership, though it is a requirement for participation in some activities of the church: for example, to vote at parish meetings, to be a member of the vestry or nominate someone to said position, to be a diocesan or national convention delegate, and to be a Lay Eucharistic Minister.

Each year, we offer a Confirmation and Inquirer’s Retreat prior to the bishop’s visit. It is an opportunity to find out more about The Episcopal Church and its traditions. This class is open to anyone, not just those wishing to be confirmed or received. Many who attend, however, do choose to establish their membership by participating in the sacrament of confirmation. Those already confirmed in another Christian tradition may be received into The Episcopal Church by the bishop during the annual visit and are also invited to attend the Confirmation and Inquirer’s Retreat.

If you are seeking to learn more about joining us, know that we are happy to chat in person about what joining means to you. Any member of the clergy and staff is available to answer questions. Reach out to us via email or at 919-467-1477.