The Racial Justice Planning Group will offer an in-person book study of David Zucchino’s Pulitzer Prize-winning “Wilmington’s Lie: The Murderous Coup of 1898 and the Rise of White Supremacy” on Sundays in March. The book is described as, “A gripping account of the overthrow of the elected government of a Black-majority North Carolina city after Reconstruction that untangles a complicated set of power dynamics cutting across race, class and gender.”
We will gather in person from 3 to 4:30 pm on March 3 (Section 1), March 10 (Section 2), March 17 (Section 3) and March 24 (Wrap-up and concluding thoughts). Conversation will take place in the Annex (former Kids’ Club), and you are welcome to bring an afternoon snack of your choice to share. Please sign up to participate as space is limited.
Email with questions.