Worship. Serve. Grow.

What’s Happening in Children’s Ministries (week of May 21, 2017)

This Sunday is Picnic Sunday!  Yay!  The weather forecast looks like perfect picnic weather and we will have plenty of wonderful food, fellowship and fun to enjoy!  Please remember that the services are at 7:30am and 10am this Sunday!  Children’s Chapel will be held at the 10am service.

Please bring a non-dessert, non-chip side item to share (Men’s Group is providing hotdogs, hamburgers, chips, drinks and dessert).  We will have plenty to keep your children busy including the giant inflatable slide, the toddler bounce house, chalk, bubbles, a giant dart game, hula hoops, etc.  PLEASE supervise your children as they enjoy the children’s activities-Ms. Christa and I will have our hands full making sure things are running smoothly, but we need your help in keeping your children safe.  Thank you!

Snake Alert!  Snakes are on the move and we can confirm that a baby copperhead was visiting the St. Paul’s courtyard last week.  St. Paul’s is located in the woods, which means we need to be extra careful of all God’s creatures!  While we monitor/treat the playground for snakes, the rest of the campus is open for our slithery friends.  Please do not let your children play in the tall grasses or rocks (especially in the courtyard) around campus.  And, please watch where you step!

Note in the Pocket RSVP

So far we have 15 children and adults who have responded that they will be volunteering for the Note in the Pocket Sort Day on June 4.  We need many, many more volunteers!  As a reminder, this event is open to children of all ages and parents will need to accompany their children.  The event will begin at 10:10am and will last about an hour.  We will be sorting clothing into sizes and seasons…EVERYONE can help!  Please RSVP ASAP if your family would like to participate.  It doesn’t get much easier than having an outreach opportunity delivered to you!  Once we sort the clothes they will return to the NITP facility where they will be distributed to children in need in Wake County.

Note in the Pocket Collection

St. Paul’s will donate $3000 to Note in the Pocket to host the Note in the Pocket Sort Day.  The children have been collecting for an entire YEAR!  So far we have $2487.03 collected towards the $3000 goal and this Sunday is our last day to collect.  Please consider helping us make up the difference needed.


Vacation Bible School Registration is filling up…and our registration deadline has passed.  But, please contact Christine Ingram to check on any available open spaces.  We are still looking for an adult volunteer to run the games center and an adult volunteer to tell stories.  Please contact Christine Ingram ASAP if you can help.

 Summer S(f)undays

Please remember that Summer S(f)undays begin on June 11!  We have prepared a full calendar of lessons, treats and fun for most of the summer!  As a reminder-here is the schedule:

Date Chapel Lesson Special Summer Sunday Activity during Lemonade Time Playground Parable during Lemonade Time
05/28/2017 No Chapel No Special No Playground Parable
06/04/2017 Pentecost/Note in the Pocket Note in the Pocket Sort Day Note in the Pocket Sort Day
06/11/2017 Tour Church grounds/St. Paul’s History Cake for St. Paul’s Birthday (June 8, 1958) We are 59! The Great Family
06/18/2017 Noah and the Ark (scavenger hunt for animals) Popcorn and Sodas for Ms. Christa’s bday and for Fathers Exile and Return
06/25/2017 Moses parting the red sea Rock Painting for Raleigh Rocks! (popsicles) None (Rock Painting)
07/02/2017 No Chapel No Special No Playground Parable
07/09/2017 Jonah and the Whale Bomb Pops (red, white and blue) for 4th of July Parable of the Mustard Seed
07/16/2017 Holy Baptism Ice Cream Sandwiches Parable of the Good Samaritan
07/23/2017 Rainbow fish Bubbles and Sidewalk Chalk (popsicles) None (Bubbles and Sidewalk Chalk)
07/30/2017 The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard Sweet Tea and  S’mores (cook them on the sidewalk) None (S’more Sidewalk Bake)
08/06/2017 Seeing Clearly-the Road to Emmaus Sunglasses and popsicles Youth Production
08/13/2017 Through the Deep Water Sprinkler Sunday (Ice Cream Sandwiches or Popsicles) None (Sprinklers)
08/20/2017 Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego Shorts Sunday (Popsicles) Parable of the Sower
08/27/2017 Back to School, Peter’s Confession Slurpee Sunday (Kona Ice Truck) None (Kona Ice Truck)
09/03/2017 No Chapel No Special No Playground Parable
09/10/2017 Sunday School Starts

I am looking forward to seeing you on Sunday at the Picnic (remember, 10am service this Sunday!).


Christine Ingram
Parish Administrator & Director of Children’s Ministries