Hope your week is going well. Bundle up your kiddos tomorrow! Brrrrr!
There are so many things going on at St. Paul’s! Please read below…
Teddy Bear Tea
In case you missed it, the Teddy Bear Tea was cancelled for this year. We will try again in 2020!
Many of you have asked for 2019 VBS Dates. We are waiting on two things before we confirm VBS: 1) 2019 Operating Budget Funding 2) The Summer Repair schedule of the Education Building. The tentative date is June 17-21 and I will let you know as soon as the date is confirmed.
Communion/Eucharist Education
Communion Classes begin this Sunday, Feb. 3. Classes will be held on Feb. 3, 10 and 24 (remember, no classes on Feb. 17) from 10:10am to 11:00am. Children will gather in the Youth Wing, but classes are held throughout the church campus (tours, etc.). Communion Classes are open to all baptized children aged 1st grade and up that have not received prior communion education. A Parent Communion Class will be held at 10:15am on Feb. 24, 2019 (please note the date change). Click here to register your child for Communion Classes (please register by January 27): https://form.jotform.com/90024574014144. If your child would like to participate in communion classes but is not yet baptized, please email me as soon as possible. We are doing our best to schedule a baptism opportunity prior to Communion Class graduation.
1st Grade Sunday School
If you have a 1st grader that will not be attending Communion Class, please have them join the 2nd Grade Sunday School class on Feb. 3, 10, 24 and March 3. Please check the signs above the doors to find the 2nd grade room.
Resilience: St Paul’s Showing of Resilience for Children’s, Youth and Outreach Volunteers
St. Paul’s Resilience Ministry presents Resilience (the movie) with discussion to follow for adult volunteers in Youth and Outreach ministries.
WHEN: Sunday, March 3, 2019 from 12:30 – 3 pm. A light lunch will be available starting at noon. Child care will be provided.
WHERE: St. Paul’s Parish Hall
COST: It’s Free!
RSVP BY: Tuesday, February 25th
RSVP here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c054aa4af2ca64-stpauls
Other Children’s News
• The Children’s Little Brown Stewardship Basket is working toward our 2019 Note in the Pocket Sort Day, scheduled for June 9, 2019. So far we have collected $1525.54 toward our $3000 goal!
• Children’s Chapel will be held Sunday at the 9am worship service and is open to all children ages 3 through 2nd grade. Please follow the Children’s Cross Processional after the Collect.
• Sunday School (Children’s Formation) continues Sunday at 10:10am in the Education Building. The lesson this week is the story of Mary and Martha.
St. Paul’s Directory Family Photos
We need your family in the photo directory! If you missed our photo sessions last fall, you still have an opportunity to have your photo taken and to be a part of the St. Paul’s Photo Directory. The signup is available online https://booknow.appointment-plus.com/yclxe0ge/. The dates of the portrait sessions will be February 18th and February 19th. These sessions will take place in the chapel. Each family/person that sits for a photo will receive a free 8×10 from Lifetouch. If you have any questions or would like to help with this fun exciting event, please contact Jill Cole at jillco0405@gmail.com.
Nurturing Faith: From Childhood to Adulthood
Nurturing Faith: From Childhood to Adulthood will be held on Sundays during Adult Education (10:15am-11:00am) in the Chapel.
Please keep an eye on the St. Paul’s website and in the Sunday Bulletin for more details, but here is a little bit of information:
2/3/19-Stages of Faith Development, taught by Rev. J. Carr Holland, III. The class will discuss how we grow faith in children and in ourselves throughout our life stages
2/10/19-Parenting Through the Stages, taught by Rev. J. Carr Holland, III. The class will explore how parents can actively assist our children in maturing in their faith
2/17/19-Finding God in Everyday Life: Celtic Spirituality, taught by Lanny Wase. This class will explore some tools available to adults that wish to deepen their faith
2/24/19-Young Adults and Faith, taught by Dr. Sam Laurent (Episcopal Campus Minister, Duke University) This class will explore ways faith is nurtured in older teens and young adults
2/24/19-Parent Communion Class with Rev. George Adamik
3/3/19-Finding God in Everyday Life: Spiritual Direction, taught by Carolyn Edge, Spiritual Director. This class will discuss how adults can seek guidance to mature in faith
Children’s Calendar
February 3 Communion Class #1 Education Bldg. 10:10am
February 9 Pre-EYC Food Bank Volunteering 2-4pm Food Bank of Eastern NC
February 10 Communion Class #2 Education Bldg. 10:10am
February 17 Holiday Weekend/No Sunday School
February 24 Communion Class #3 and Parent Communion Class Education Bldg. 10:10am
Pre-EYC Bowling with EYC 4-6pm
March 3 Communion Celebration Sanctuary 9am
March 5 Pancake Supper Parish Hall 5-7pm
March 6 Ash Wednesday Services for Families Sanctuary 6:00pm
March 10 Pajama Sunday/Daylight Savings Sanctuary 9am
Pre-EYC Meeting 11:15am-1:00pm(Playground Cleanup) Parish Hall
Mar.10-Apr. 14 Spring Clothing Drive NITP Sanctuary
March 23-24 Pre-EYC Retreat
April 7 Pre-EYC Meeting 11:15am-1:00pm Parish Hall
April 14 Palm Sunday/No Sunday School
April 19 Good Friday/Stations of the Cross Sanctuary 10am
April 21 Easter Egg Hunt Campus 10:30am
April 28 Last Pre-EYC Meeting (Welcome Rising 4th Graders)
May 5 Last Day of Sunday School
June 9 5th Grade Promotion Sanctuary 9am
Note in the Pocket Sort Day Parish Hall 9am
Summer 2019 VBS (Tentative June 17-21)
Please let me know if you have any questions or comments about Children’s Ministries.
See you on Sunday!
Christine Owens Ingram, SPHR
Parish and Human Resources Administrator
Director of Children’s Ministries