Worship. Serve. Grow.

Worship and Music (Page 17)

Lessons and Carols (Dec 18, 2016)

Join us on Sunday, December 18 at 4:00 PM for a Service of Lessons and Carols for Advent presented by the St. Paul’s Choir with the Bells of St. Paul’s. Minister of Music, Rusty McKinney leads both ensembles in music for the season. Music by George Frideric Handel, John Rutter, Bob Chilcott, Carson P. Cooman…

Greening of the Church (Dec 22, 2016)

Greening of the Church will be Thursday, December 22 from 6:00 to 8:00 PM.  Come and help us decorate the altar and windows, hang the roping and, for the children, put out the crèche. Light refreshments will be provided. We also need fresh greenery to fill the various areas around the church – boxwood, cedar, Magnolia leaves, holly, etc.  Continue reading for more….

Evening Prayer (Dec 21, 2016)

On Wednesday evenings, December 7, 14, and 21 at 6:30 PM in the chapel, there will be a simple service of Evening Prayer.  The gospel readings appointed in the Book of Common Prayer gently guide us through reflection on Jesus as he confronts us as a restless and hopeful people seeking God and as those who wait for the birth in time that changes all time.  Continue reading for more….

Schedule Change (Sep 11)

St. Paul’s summer schedule has ended and changes back to our regular schedule on Sunday, September 11, 2016.  Worship services are at 7:30, 9:00, and 11:15 AM.  Sunday school begins also and meets at 10:05 (click HERE for more on children’s activities).

Altar Flower Memorials

The Altar Flower Chart for 2017 will be placed in the narthex in early December. If you would like to give flowers that will decorate the altar for a Sunday service, please sign up for the Sunday of your choice.  Continue reading for more….