Worship. Serve. Grow.

Outreach (Page 22)

Wake County Sponsors Meeting Canceled for March 12

Due to weather conditions, tonight’s informational session about Wake County Sponsors is canceled. Be aware, however, that there are two other opportunities to attend this week– at St. Ambrose, Raleigh on Thursday (7:00-9:00 p.m.) and at Baptist Grove Church on Saturday (10:00 a.m.-Noon). Tonight’s session has also been rescheduled for Monday, April 9th. Please take a minute to sign up for one of the other scheduled sessions by following this link. It…

Hermano (Farmworker) Day (Mar 18, 2018)

Sunday, March 18, 2018 is Hermano Day (Farmworker Day).  Representatives from the Episcopal Farmworker Ministry will be here to tell us about the work being done to help our farmworker brothers in Christ.  St. Paul’s helps by donating work clothes and bedding and by offering financial support.  Please bring your donations to church that day.  Continue reading for more and to see what donations are needed.

Refuge for Refugees Assigned New Family

The St. Paul’s Refuge for Refugees ministry has been assigned a new family, arriving in late February, 2018.  This family is from Afghanistan and has six family members.  More information will be forthcoming.  Contact Mike Harrell at harrell@manningfulton.com, or MM Cupitt at mmcc.ltc@gmail.com.