Worship. Serve. Grow.

Outreach (Page 14)

Volunteer Drivers Needed

The Care and Share Committee provides transportation for those in our parish who need a ride to appointments or to attend a Sunday service.  We are putting together a team for a new parishioner in Apex who is willing to attend either the 9:00 or the 11:15 a.m. service.  We will need four drivers, one…

ONE Wake Meeting (Feb 23, 2020)

ONE Wake (formerly Wake County Sponsors) will have an internal meeting on Sunday, February 23, 2020 at 12:30 p.m. in the conference room as we plan for ONE Wake’s official launch on the Feast of Pentecost (May 31).  Continue reading for more.

ONE Wake is New Name for Wake County Sponsors

ONE Wake is now the official name for the advocacy body to effect change in Wake County, formerly known as Wake County Sponsors!  Along with the new name, we will prioritize THREE issues needing change in our county communities: (1) Affordable housing for all, (2) Quality education for all of our children (3) Living wages and quality jobs for all.  Continue reading for more.

Veterans and Military Outreach Chair Needed

The Veterans and Military Outreach (VMO) committee needs a chair or co-chairs to lead this ministry. This committee directly helps veterans and current military members in a number of ways. Please think about serving with this extremely rewarding ministry. Contact: Guy Antonides at guy.antonides@sbcglobal.net (USO Co-leader) or Penny Tennian, Outgoing leader, at vmo@stpaulscary.org for information…

Thank You from Heifer International

A big “Thank You” to everyone who donated to Heifer International in 2019.  St. Paul’s total donation for the calendar year was $7188.75.  This wonderful contribution will purchase a “Gift Ark” of animals, and many more animals besides. Continue reading for more.

MLK Celebration (Jan 19, 2020)

MLK Interfaith Celebration: “A Pivotal Time: Moving Forward toward Unity” will be held Sunday, January 19, 2020, 3:30 p.m.  An Interfaith Prayer Service will be held with the NC State Gospel Choir and guest preacher, Rev. Albert Starr, Chicago.  Continue reading for more.