Worship. Serve. Grow.

Outreach (Page 11)

Volunteer at Dorcas Food Pantry

The Dorcas Thrift Shop and Drop Off are now open Monday thru Saturday from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.  Starting in October the Food Pantry will also be open from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.  They would like St. Paul’s to cover the whole Food Pantry shift with 3 volunteers on the second and fourth…

Toilet Paper Drive

Not physically meeting at St. Paul’s has hindered our toilet paper collection for the Dorcas Food Pantry.  We are down 340 rolls as of the end of August.  We ask that if you drop toilet paper off at Dorcas yourself, please let Gail Cowper know at 919-630-5282 or email her at gcowper@bellsouth.net.  You may also…

It’s time for ONE Wake to Launch!

It’s been several years in the making.  Wake County residents from many different neighborhoods, faiths, and backgrounds have gotten organized.  We are formally launching ONE Wake by holding a Founding Assembly (via Zoom) on October 13, 2020Continue reading to register.

ONE Wake Voter Registration Drive at St. Paul’s

NEW: Click HERE for a video about St. Paul’s Voter Registration Initiative.
As a member of ONE Wake — a coalition of over 35+ religious institutions and non-profit organizations around Wake County — St. Paul’s will be participating in a strictly nonpartisan, countywide voter registration effort. A committed team of St. Paul’s members plan to call every family in our parish to provide information and resources for voting this Fall.  Continue reading.

Donate School Supplies for Wake County Kids

Please donate school supplies for Wake County kids getting ready to start school. The items will be sorted by volunteers into grade-level packages and delivered to kids-in-need in our community. Click HERE for the SignUpGenius form with a list of supplies needed and further instructions.