Worship. Serve. Grow.

Adults (Page 88)

Videos Available for Nominees for Bishop

St. Paul’s Rev. George Adamik is one of four nominees for XII Bishop Diocesan of NC.  Click HERE for a page devoted to George Adamik, including video and personal statement.  Click HERE for videos from all candidates.  Click HERE for a complete list of nominees.  Click HERE for the Jan 25 edition of Please Note.  Click HERE…

Why We Chose St. Paul’s Memorial Garden

Andy and I are marking a milestone year as we celebrate 25 years since our wedding in the Chapel at St. Paul’s.  Neither one of us had ever put down roots so deeply before we stumbled upon St. Paul’s, and I can honestly say we did not do it purposefully – our life just “happened” here.  Continue reading….

2017 Pledges Needed

2017 pledges are still welcome!  If you forgot to pledge, it is not too late, and your pledge is needed! Pledge cards are available in the Narthex and may be returned in the offertory plates or to Christine Ingram in the church office. Or click the link below and pledge online. Please consider sharing your gifts to help St. Paul’s support its…

IT Committee Looking for a Few Good Techies

St. Paul’s Information Technology (IT) Committee is looking for a few good techies (people who can do computer stuff).  Specifically, we need somebody who can do computer and network support, and may be able to come into the church office occasionally during work hours.  Contact Heather Gates, itcommittee@stpaulscary.org