Worship. Serve. Grow.

Adults (Page 60)

End of Summer Ministry Fair (Aug 25, 2019)

The End of Summer Ministry Fair will be held during Coffee Hour (10:10 to 10:45)  in the parish hall on Sunday, August 25, 2019.  Different ministries are highlighted at the three mini fairs each year. Some of the groups present at this fair will include: Acolytes, Adult Formation, Children’s Ministries, Lobster Fest, Men’s Group, Prayer…

Lobster Fest Online Ordering Opens Aug 25, 2019

Lobster Fest is Saturday, October 5!  Apparently there are boat loads of people who are eager to get their annual lobsters and lobster rolls. Since we’ve been receiving so many questions asking, “When is the online ordering going to be open?” we decided to post a note to tell everyone that:  Online Ordering opens on August 25 this year.

Get Ready to Volunteer for Lobster Fest (Oct 5, 2019)

CALLING ALL VOLUNTEERS: SAVE THE DATE for LOBSTER FEST 2019, Saturday, October 5. It takes a Parish to put on an event like St. Paul’s Lobster Fest. Our success over past 12 years is a direct result of the hard work of our awesome volunteers. Whether you’re one of the founding members of the Lobster Fest Team, new to St. Paul’s, or somewhere in between, WE NEED YOUR HELP to make Lobster Fest 2019 successful.  Continue reading for more.

Funeral Preparation Class (Jul 28, 2019)

On Sunday, July 28, 2019 at noon, The Rev. Melanie Mudge will lead a session that will guide all to use our beautiful liturgy to have a funeral that will reflect the individual whose life is being celebrated.  Lunch will be provided for $5. Continue reading for details.