Worship. Serve. Grow.

Adults (Page 52)

Weekly Update Apr 16, 2020: A Note from Mary Kintz, Senior Warden

Hello Friends, I’m full of mixed emotions as I write this update. My desk has piles of materials scattered about as I pull ideas together, and I can’t see the St. Paul’s letterhead without being reminded of the friends and faces I am missing. Zoom meetings and Livestreams have filled some empty spaces, but seeing our logo brings out “all the feels.” ….

Ready, Angry, Capable

This week in the Hope for the Journey series, Fr. Javier reflects on anger, grief, and hope: “What does it look like for us to become well-acquainted with anger? The question, really, isn’t whether you will face it someday—many of you already have. Rather, the question is simply this: when it shows up, what will you do with it?”

Compilation from St. Paul’s Music for Easter

A video has been created of a compilation of clips from two years of Easter seasons (2018 & 2019) at St. Paul’s.  This music was performed under the direction of Russell McKinney, Music Minister, and presents a variety of music for choir, handbells, brass ensemble, and organ.  Click HERE for the video.

Tumultuous Processions, Lonely Prayers

A new Holy Week post in the Hope for the Journey series: “I doubt that Jesus experienced peaceful solitude on the night before his betrayal, but the fact of the matter is that he was alone: already betrayed by one of his closest friends, soon to be abandoned by the rest of his companions… I wonder if Holy Week has something new to offer us this year: a rare opportunity to reflect on the kind of loneliness that Jesus felt that night in the Garden.”