Worship. Serve. Grow.

Adults (Page 103)

Newcomer Class (Oct 22, 29, Nov 5)

There will be a Newcomer class on three consecutive Thursday evenings, Oct 22, Oct 29, and Nov 5, 7:00-8:15 PM, in the Youth Wing, for all who are interested in learning about St. Paul’s. The class will be led by Father George, while other clergy and ministry leaders will come in to share information about the many opportunities in which to participate.…

Blessing of the Animals (Oct 4)

The annual Blessing of the Animals is scheduled for Sunday, Oct 4, 2015, 2:00 PM, rain or shine! The blessings will be held in the Courtyard if the weather is good, otherwise it will be held in the Parish Hall. All animals welcome. Dogs should be on leashes, cats and other animals in carriers. See photos…

Volunteer Recognition Coffee Hour (Sep 27)

VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION COFFEE HOUR this Sunday following the 9:00 service. Whether you’re a front-and-center or behind-the-scenes volunteer, whether you offer a few hours a month or many hours each week, whether your tasks are large or small, the Ministry Leader Resource Committee would like to honor and thank you. Be sure to stop by the parish hall for cake and giveaway goodies.

Meet Peter Saros and Discuss “Growing Our Vision” (Oct 14)

Wasn’t the St. Paul’s Kick Off Sunday wonderful? The energy of the day reflects the joy and excitement that lives within our parish community. And we succeeded in breaking last year’s attendance record for Kick Off Sunday. There is renewed energy around church growth this year, too. I am delighted to invite you for a presentation by Peter Saros, M.Div. on Wednesday, Oct 14, 6:30 PM. Please Continue reading below and please RSVP to stewardship@stpaulscary.org whether you can attend or not.

Attendance Record Broken at Kickoff Sunday

Sep 13 was Kickoff Sunday for St. Paul’s. We asked everyone to come out and help us break the attendance record, and we did!  Last year  505 people attended; this year we  had 531 !  See Photos (panoramas) of the three services. See Gallery of photos from Kickoff Sunday.

Lobster Fest Flyers and Business Cards

Lobster Fest business cards and flyers: Please pick up some business cards and a flyer or two at the Lobster Fest table outside of church on Sunday, and help get the word out about Lobster Fest! Click here to download a Lobster Fest 2015 flyer “Like” us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/lobsterfestcary To communicate with a “live” person,…

Pavers in Memorial Garden

Pavers have been installed in the walkways in the Memorial Garden! The pavers replace the packed granite dust that had formerly been used. Please stop by the Memorial Garden to see the new paved walkway throughout the Garden. For a view of the new paved walkway, click here. For a view of the pavers in front of the columbarium,…