Worship. Serve. Grow.

Posts by Mary Kintz (Page 10)

Memorial Garden Expansion Update

The Memorial Garden Committee is pleased to report that the fundraiser for the Memorial Garden expansion project has raised $29,646.00! The generosity of St. Paul’s Parishioners is humbling. This will allow us to move forward with ordering the columbarium units which will add 90 niches to the Memorial Garden Columbarium. Based on the timeline from the manufacturer, we expect the units to…

Welcome Madeleine Preston!

Sunday, June 3, 2023 we welcomed Madeleine Preston at the start of her field placement through the Duke Divinity School Field Education Placement program. Madeleine is a native of the Chicago suburbs and graduated from Wheaton College in 2018, where she studied Spanish and Applied Health Science and worked for the student newspaper. She moved…

Adult Formation – Summer Reading

Join us for a virtual book group on Zoom on Wednesday evenings, June 7 – July 19, 2023 at 7:00 pm.  “Pilgrim at Tinker Creek” by Annie Dillard is at once poetry, prayer, philosophy, and a nature walk without a plan. It can awaken wonder, humor, memory, and a transcendent consciousness; tune in and share…

ONE Wake Listening Sessions at St. Paul’s

Wake County residents:  ONE Wake is listening! We are engaging organizations across Wake County in a campaign of Listening Sessions, helping to identify the pressures felt by households in our region. Listening Sessions are facilitated by ONE Wake leaders, with note takers recording responses and reporting back to ONE Wake. St. Paul’s is holding several options for Listening Sessions in May.


SAFE TALK/SAFE SPACE: a safe space for conversation in the LGBTQ+ community. Are you age 17-25, identify as LGBTQ+, have questions, struggles, joy, wisdom to share? This group is for you! The Reconciling Ministries Team of Saint Francis United Methodist Church in Cary is sponsoring the formation of a facilitated support group to have conversations…

Appalachia Service Project (ASP) Orientation

Appalachia Service Project (ASP) Orientation is this Sunday, May 21st, from 12:30 to 2 pm in the Parish Hall. The agenda includes all trip information, packing recommendations, St. Paul’s policies and expectations, and a review of all forms and training needed. We encourage everyone involved in this year’s trip to please attend unless you have an unavoidable conflict.

Acolyte Training May 7, 2023

Join us for a training session for new and existing acolytes on Sunday, May 7, 2023 at 10:15 a.m. Join the crew that gets a front-row seat to the ACTION of our liturgies; become an acolyte and assist in this cross-generational ministry. SPREAD THE WORD! If you know of other adults, youth, or children (4th grade+) who would be interested, please ask them to sign up!

Chore Day Fundraiser for ASP – May 6, 2023

Support the Youth Appalachia Service Project (ASP) mission trip with our Chore Day Fundraiser, Saturday, May 6 from 8:00 a.m. til noon. Hire a crew of youth and adults to do yard work and other suitable projects around your home in exchange for a donation to St. Paul’s ASP Ministry. Please contact Stephanie Hirschy at…